Applications are invited for the following post in the MS University Library. Sl.No. Name of the Post No. of Posts Community 01. LIBRARIAN 1 GT 02. DEPUTY LIBRARIAN 1 SC/ST EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS:- As per UGC. SCALE OF PAY:- Librarian Rs.16400-450-20900-500-22400 Deputy Librarian Rs.12000-420-18300 COST OF APPLICATION: Rs.300/- (Sc/ST candidates can get one form on submission of attested Xerox copy of Community Certificate at free of cost). Application can be had from the Registrar on requisition accompanied by a crossed Demand Draft to the value as stated above (which is non-refundable) drawn in favour of THE REGISTRAR, MANONMANIAM SUNDARANAR UNIVERSITY, PAYABLE AT TIRUNELVELI in person or by post by sending a self addressed envelope (25 X 12 cm) stamped to the value of Rs.40/-. Last date for issue and submission of filled in application form is 01.12.2005. Application form and other details can also be downloaded from the University website: www.msuniversitytvl.net --------------------------------- Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. Applications are invited for the following post in the MS University Library. Sl.No. Name of the Post No. of Posts Community 01. LIBRARIAN 1 GT 02. DEPUTY LIBRARIAN 1 SC/ST EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS:- As per UGC. SCALE OF PAY:- Librarian Rs.16400-450-20900-500-22400 Deputy Librarian Rs.12000-420-18300 COST OF APPLICATION: Rs.300/- (Sc/ST candidates can get one form on submission o f attested Xerox copy of Community Certificate at free of cost). Application can be had from the Registrar on requisition accompanied by a crossed Demand Draft to the value as stated above (which is non-refundable) drawn in favour of THE REGISTRAR, MANONMANIAM SUNDARANAR UNIVERSITY, PAYABLE AT TIRUNELVELI in person or by post by sending a self addressed envelope (25 X 12 cm) stamped to the value of Rs.40/-. Last date for issue and submission of filled in application form is 01.12.2005. Application form and other details can also be downloaded from the University website: http://www.msuniversitytvl.net/ www.msuniversitytvl.net http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/_ylc=X3oDMTFqODRtdXQ4BF9TAzMyOTc1MDIEX3MDOTY2ODgxNjk... Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.