*Admission to PhD in Library and Information Science at Mahatma Gandhi University is Open* Centre for Advanced Research in Library and Information Sciences* (CARLIS)*, at Mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam is a centre for interdisciplinary research in areas that constitute the discipline. Present research in Library Science concentrate on traditional methods and automation of the existing systems and procedures most of which have become irrelevant in the context of explosive changes introduced by ICT. Envisioned by one of the internationally known professionals from India having revolutionary ideas and unique achievements in the fied Dr. R. Raman Nair http://raman.edu.tc/has initiated the starting of this Centre also at Mg Univerity during his tenure of University Librarian there. ( He was forced to retire from UGC post of univeristy Librarian at the age of 55 which seems to be very intersting) CARLIS intiated by Dr. Raman Nair concentrate on technologies that can transfer existing knowledge from traditional media to future proof digital media for the networked society, as well as extension of access to it in an equitable way which has is expected to brings together best students on areas mandatory to it and train them and provide research facility in an unique environment under experienced research guides from various disciplines who have developed nation’s best knowledge management systems and packages like that used in MGU PhD Theses Archive (mgutheses.org) which got international recognition. CARLIS covers two main areas; Library Science and Information Science along with their applications using technologies developed in allied areas. Stress will be on content management, Digital Archiving, multimedia resources, information administration, information economics, information infrastructures, IPR issues, knowledge ware-housing, language technologies, Open Access protocols, resource sharing networks etc. Mahatma Gandhi University has invited applications for PhD course in various disciplines at its different centers including Library and Information Science at CARLIS under School of Social Sciences. Applications can be submitted online through MGU website: http://projects.mgu.ac.in/phd/** Before submitting your applications you are requested to read MG University PhD Regulation at: http://projects.mgu.ac.in/phd/phdonline.htm. You can get details of PhD courses in Indian universities from the site http://academiclibrarian.edu.tc or contact Jasbeer Singh through academiclibrary@gmail.com The presently available Research Guides for Library Science at the university are: Dr. R. Raman Nair, Former Univeristy Librarian of Kerala Agricultural Univeristy and MG University, Kottayam (9387826738) Dr. Abdul Majeed, Associate Professor, Farook College (9895649188), Dr. G. Devarajan, UGC Emeritus Professor (9895320504), Dr. Dinesan Koovkai, Assistant Librarian, Central University of Kerala (9447468586). the details of the guides you have to confirm from MGU Websites. -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.