Apologies for x-postings
Dear Colleagues,
Can some one kindly spare me a copy of the following articles?
1. Elimination of two viruses which interact synergistically from sweet potato by shot tip culture and cryotherapy. Journal of Virological Methods. Vol.154, Issue 1-2. Dec. 2008. Pp. 135-145
2. N.Habili, L.R. Krake, M.
Barlass, M.A. Rezaian. 2009. Evaluation of Biological indexing and dsRNA
analysis in grapevine virus elimination. Vol.121 (2). Pp. 277-283
3. Ucman Robert, Jana Z el
& Maja Ravnikar. 1998. Thermotherapy in virus elimination from garlic:
influences on shoot multiplication from meristems and bulb formation in vitro. Vol.73 (4) Pp.193-202
4. J. B. Morris, S. Dunn, D. L. Pinnow, M. S.
Hopkins, and R. N. Pittman. 1997. Meristem Culture
for Virus Elimination and Peanut Interspecific Hybrid Preservation. Vol.37
Issue 2. Pp. 591-594.
Thanks, regards and Wish you all a very Happy New Year 2010
Dr. (Ms.) Kshema Prakash
Faculty Librarian - Gr I, Contact Person e-Journals (Library) &
Coordinator - Distance Library Services
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