---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
From: "Trupti Parida"
---------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------- From: "Ravindra Mendhe"
Date: Thu, May 25, 2017 1:30 pm -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear LIS Professionals, A good professional friend of many of us *Prof. Rahul B Khandare* passed away around 7.15 PM on 23rd may 2017 in the accident.
He was working as a Librarian in Sardar Vallabhabhai Patel Art and Science College , Aainpur, Dist- Jalgaon ,Maharashtra.
He was a Secretary of NMU LIS study Circle, Jalgoan, Maharashtra.
He was professionally active way of delivering invited lectures in Seminars/Conferences, organized National and International workshop and Conference, etc.
We lost A very young, energetic and dynamic librarian.
I knew prof. Rahul Khandare. Great human and good professional friend.
With Dip Sorrow
Ravindra Mendhe Jalgaon - Maharashtra M- 9421149820
website: http://ravindramendhe.weebly.com/ https://sites.google.com/site/ravindramendhe/ http://ravindra4474.wix.com/ravindralibrary http://circular.lislinks.com/ http://www.scoop.it/t/iskcom/
Conference Website http://iskcom.nmims.edu/
New Technology, New Trends, New Ideas; Modifying the Library with the User in Mind'.