NATIONAL CENTRE FOR SCIENCE INFORMATION (NCSI) INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE B A N 0 A L 0 R E- 560012 REQUIRES TRAINEES in the "Information and Knowledge Management (IKM)" training programme of National Centre for Science information (NCSI) Advt. No.R(IB)308-2/2003, No. of positions: 11 [GEN-04, OBC-01, SC-1 ,ST-01, Sponsored Candidates-03, PH-1 (reserved for hearing impaired, if suitable candidates are not available under this category, orthopaedically handicapped persons would be considered) 1. I Class Bachelor's Degree in any subject with Master's Degree in Library/Information Science or Associateship in Documentation/Information Science awarded by DRTC or INSDOC with a minimum of II Class. One or two years of experience in a Library/Information Centre and basic knowledge of computers is desirable. OR I Class B.E. or M.B.B.S. with a minimum of one year experience in information handling. 2. SC/ST candidates with pass class will also be considered. 3. The sponsored candidates should forward their application through proper channel. No stipend will be paid to sponsored candidates. Training is for a period of 18 months w.e.f. 01.08.2003 on a stipend of Rs.5,000/- per month (Fixed). ABOUT THE IKM TRAINING PROGRAMME The programme includes 2 semesters of course work, 2 months of industrial training and 6 months of project work. Visit our website http://www.ncsi.iisc.ernet.in/training/ for more details of the course, including course schedule and syllabus. Information and Knowledge Management (IKM) training programme is conducted by NCSI with the support of NISSAT, DSIR, Govt. of India. GENERAL CONDITIONS Those who have completed their qualifying examination and awarded the degree only need apply. The Institute will have no obligation to absorb them on completion of the training. No accommodation will be available on the Institute campus. Candidates who are willing to be considered strictly on the aforesaid condition may send their application in plain paper with details of their (I) Name, (ii) Date of Birth, (iii) Address, (iv) Educational Qualifications (indicating examinations passed, year, percentage and class obtained since SSLC/Matriculation), (v) Caste(SC/ST/OBC/GEN) (vi) Copy of the medical certificate in the prescribed form issued by the Competent Medical Authority for the purpose of employment in the case of PH candidates, together with xerox copies of Marks Card, Certificates to ASSISTANT REGISTRAR, UNIT-lB, INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE, BANGALORE - 560 012 on or before 09.05.2003. Dated 09.04.2003 REGISTRAR