Special Proceedings Issue of the 1st International Conference on Universal Digital Library (ICUDL2005), Oct. 31−Nov. 2, 2005, Hangzhou, P. R. China
Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE (ISSN 1009-3095, Monthly)
2005 Vol. 6A No. 11
Executive Editor: Wu Xiu-fang On-line Editor: Lin Chang-dong
Keynotes and Invited Speech on Digital Library
The qualitative advantages of quantities of information: bigger is better/ LESK Michael
Machines as readers: A solution to the copyright problem/ SHAMOS Michael I
Towards a multilingual, multimedia and multimodal digital library platform/ HUANG Tie-jun, TIAN Yong-hong, WANG Chun-li, SHI Xiao-dong, GAO Wen
Towards universal access to all knowledgeInternet Archive/ KAHLE Brewster
Million Book Project vs Google Print/ ST. CLAIR Gloriana
Digital libraries: A testbed for multimedia technology/ ZHUANG Yue-ting
Universal Digital LibraryFuture research directions/ BALAKRISHNAN N.
New mode of universal access and Global Memory Net/ CHEN Ching-chih
Digital Library Technology
Global Memory Net and the development of digital image information management system: Experience and practice/ ZHANG Sheng-qiang, CHEN Ching-chih
Towards a self healing information system for digital libraries/ AMBATI Vamshi, REDDY Raj
A text to speech interface for Universal Digital Library/ PRAHALLAD Kishore, BLACK Alan
Spatial/temporal indexing and information visualization genre for environmental digital libraries/ CHEN Su-shing, GRUNWALD Sabine
Technical features in the Portal to CADAL/ WU Jiang-qin, ZHUANG Yue-ting, PAN Yun-he
Constructing a taxonomy to support multi-document summarization of dissertation/ OU Shi-yan, KHOO Christopher S.G., GOH Dion H.
Exploiting multi-context analysis in semantic image classification/ TIAN Yong-hong, HUANG Tie-jun, GAO Wen
Relighting multiple color textures/ DIAO Chang-yu, LU Dong-ming, LIU Gang
Enhancing the usage pattern mining performance with temporal segmentation of QPop Increment in digital libraries/ CAO San-xing, KLEIN R. Rody, LIU Jian-bo
Optical Character Recognition for printed Tamil text using Unicode/ SEETHALAKSHMI R., SREERANJANI T.R., BALACHANDAR T., Abnikant Singh, Markandey Singh, Ritwaj Ratan, Sarvesh Kumar
Digital Library Service and Management
Resource discovery in distributed digital libraries through visual knowledge navigation/ GU Qian-yi, AHMAD Faisal, SUMNER Tamara
A sustainable development OCR system in CADAL application/ HUANG Chen, ZHAO Ji-hai, HU Xiao
An integrated framework for discovering digital library collections/ CALHOUN Karen
The Million Book Project at Bibliotheca Alexandrina/ ELDAKAR Youssef, EL-GAZZAR Khalid, ADLY Noha, NAGI Magdy
Preserving the literary past, looking to the future: the first Hong Kong Literature Database/ MA Leo F.H., WONG Rita, LAU Paul
Om: One tool for many (Indian) languages/ GANAPATHIRAJU Madhavi, BALAKRISHNAN Mini, BALAKRISHNAN N., REDDY Raj
A simple approach for building transliteration editors for Indian languages/ PRAHALLAD Lavanya, PRAHALLAD Kishore, GANAPATHIRAJU Madhavi
An experiment on digital library based on the method of TQM system/ YANG Ling-yun, ZHU Hai-kang
Swapan Kumar Patra/ Anup Kumar Das/ Bidyarthi Dutta
Information and Communication Society of India
New Delhi
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Special Proceedings Issue of the 1st International Conference on Universal Digital Library (ICUDL2005), Oct. 31−Nov. 2, 2005, Hangzhou, P. R. China
http://www.zju.edu.cn/jzus/2005/A0511/index.htm http://www.zju.edu.cn/jzus/2005/A0511/index.htm
Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE (ISSN 1009-3095, Monthly)
2005 Vol. 6A No. 11
Executive Editor: Wu Xiu-fang On-line Editor: Lin Chang-dong
Keynotes and Invited Speech on Digital Library
The qualitative advantages of quantities of information: bigger is better/ LESK Michael
Machines as readers: A solution to the copyright problem/ SHAMOS Michael I
Towards a multilingual, multimedia and multimodal digital library platform/ HUANG Tie-jun, TIAN Yong-hong, WANG Chun-li, SHI Xiao-dong, GAO Wen
Towards universal access to all knowledgeInternet Archive/ KAHLE Brewster
Million Book Project vs Google Print/ ST. CLAIR Gloriana
Digital libraries: A testbed for multimedia technology/ ZHUANG Yue-ting
Universal Digital LibraryFuture research directions/ BALAKRISHNAN N.
New mode of universal access and Global Memory Net/ CHEN Ching-chih
Digital Library Technology
Global Memory Net and the development of digital image information management system: Experience and practice/ ZHANG Sheng-qiang, CHEN Ching-chih
Towards a self healing information system for digital libraries/ AMBATI Vamshi, REDDY Raj
A text to speech interface for Universal Digital Library/ PRAHALLAD Kishore, BLACK Alan
Spatial/temporal indexing and information visualization genre for environmental digital libraries/ CHEN Su-shing, GRUNWALD Sabine
Technical features in the Portal to CADAL/ WU Jiang-qin, ZHUANG Yue-ting, PAN Yun-he
Constructing a taxonomy to support multi-document summarization of dissertation/ OU Shi-yan, KHOO Christopher S.G., GOH Dion H.
Exploiting multi-context analysis in semantic image classification/ TIAN Yong-hong, HUANG Tie-jun, GAO Wen
Relighting multiple color textures/ DIAO Chang-yu, LU Dong-ming, LIU Gang
Enhancing the usage pattern mining performance with temporal segmentation of QPop Increment in digital libraries/ CAO San-xing, KLEIN R. Rody, LIU Jian-bo
Optical Character Recognition for printed Tamil text using Unicode/ SEETHALAKSHMI R., SREERANJANI T.R., BALACHANDAR T., Abnikant Singh, Markandey Singh, Ritwaj Ratan, Sarvesh Kumar
Digital Library Service and Management
Resource discovery in distributed digital libraries through visual knowledge navigation/ GU Qian-yi, AHMAD Faisal, SUMNER Tamara
A sustainable development OCR system in CADAL application/ HUANG Chen, ZHAO Ji-hai, HU Xiao
An integrated framework for discovering digital library collections/ CALHOUN Karen
The Million Book Project at Bibliotheca Alexandrina/ ELDAKAR Youssef, EL-GAZZAR Khalid, ADLY Noha, NAGI Magdy
Preserving the literary past, looking to the future: the first Hong Kong Literature Database/ MA Leo F.H., WONG Rita, LAU Paul
Om: One tool for many (Indian) languages/ GANAPATHIRAJU Madhavi, BALAKRISHNAN Mini, BALAKRISHNAN N., REDDY Raj
A simple approach for building transliteration editors for Indian languages/ PRAHALLAD Lavanya, PRAHALLAD Kishore, GANAPATHIRAJU Madhavi
An experiment on digital library based on the method of TQM system/ YANG Ling-yun, ZHU Hai-kang
http://www.zju.edu.cn/jzus/2005/A0511/index.htm http://www.zju.edu.cn/jzus/2005/A0511/index.htm
Swapan Kumar Patra/ Anup Kumar Das/ Bidyarthi Dutta
Information and Communication Society of India
New Delhi
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