To: The Moderator Kindly post this message in LIS forum. The Office of Public Affairs U.S. Consulate General for South India, Madras Library Association (MALA) and Guindy Campus Library, University of Madras Cordially invite you to a presentation on Future of Librarianship By Ms. Wendy Zaman Information Resource Officer American Embassy, New Delhi on Monday, September 12, 2005 at 06:00 p.m. Venue: Guindy Campus Library University of Madras, Chennai 600 025 Program 05.30 p.m. Tea 05.50 p.m. Welcome Address by Dr. Samyuktha Ravi, Deputy Librarian, University of Madras 05.55 p.m. Introduction of the Speaker by Mr. M.K. Jagadish, Director, American Information Resource Center 06:00 p.m. Presentation on Future of Librarianship by Ms. Wendy A. Zaman 06:40 p.m. Q and A 06:55 p.m. Vote of Thanks by Mr. G. Sundar, Joint Secretary, MALA ______________________________________________________ Wendy Zaman Information Resource Officer Wendy Zaman joined the United States Foreign Service as regional Information Resource Officer in February 2003. She arrived in India in December 2004. She works as the consultant for the seven American Information Resource Centers (AIRCs), also known as American Libraries, in the U.S. missions in Chennai, Calcutta, Mumbai and New Delhi, in India, and also in Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. In her previous assignment, she was responsible for the AIRCs in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Prior to joining the Foreign Service, she worked as University Librarian in Florida for three years. And before that, she lived throughout Asia and Africa and worked in a variety of libraries, ranging from Universities to international schools to NGOs and consulting firms. Thank you L. R. Gowri Secretary Madras Library Association (MALA)