Dear Sir/Madam

Greetings from Rashtriya Raksha University, Gujarat

One of our Library Patrons is looking for under mentioned Articles/Book Chapters for his academic study purpose.

1. The value of space activity by Rebecca Lowe; WILEY Vol No: 44 DOI:

2. Intellectual property rights in outer space: How can pharmaceutical companies protect COVID-19 vaccine and immunotherapy developments aboard the ISS US national laboratory? By Adnan Jashari, Stefani Stojchevska ;WILEY
Vol No: 26 DOI:

3. Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Outer Space by Dr. Yun Zhao
; Conference Proceedings of International Aeronautical Congress
Vol No: Not known DOI:

4. Intellectual property protection in Outer Space: reconciling territoriality of Intellectual Property with Non-territoriality in outer space By Dr. Yun Zhao; Elgar Online Vol No: 7 DOI:

5. Managing Satellite Debris in Low-Earth Orbit: Incentivizing Ex Ante Satellite Quality and Ex Post Take-Back Programs. Environ Resource Econ 74, 319–336 (2019).
By Grzelka, Z., Wagner, J. Springer Vol No: DOI:

6. The Commercial Exploitation of Outer Space: Issues of Intellectual Property Rights and Liability By  Hanneke van Traa-Engelman ;Leiden Journal of International Law Vol No: 4 DOI:

7. Is Human Settlement on Mars Marking the Beginning of a New Era of Intellectual Property Rights Protection in Outer Space? In: Froehlich, A. (eds) Assessing a Mars Agreement Including Human Settlements. Studies in Space Policy, vol 30. Springer, Cham. By Němcová, T. (2021).; Springer Vol No: 30 DOI:

8. Regulating ISS— An interdisciplinary essay By Christian Brünner, Alexander Soucek; Acta Astronautica Vol No: 60 DOI:

9. The property (ownership rights) in outer space: practical cases
By  Mr. Jairo Andres Becerra Ortiz ; Vol No: DOI:

10. Current Issues of Legal Regulation of Intellectual Property in Space Field. In: Nechyporuk, M., Pavlikov, V., Kritskiy, D. (eds) Integrated Computer Technologies in Mechanical Engineering - 2021. ICTM 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 367. Springer, Cham. By  Hordeiuk, A., Ostropilets, A., Bohdaniuk, I. (2022).; Springer Vol No: 367 DOI:

11. Satellite Communications Regulatory, Legal and Trade Issues. In: Pelton, J.N., Madry, S., Camacho-Lara, S. (eds) Handbook of Satellite Applications. Springer, New York, NY. By Goh Escolar, G.M. (2013).; Handbook of Satellite Applications
Vol No: DOI:

12. International Space Law By  Julie L. Housh ;ASCE Library Vol No:  DOI:

13. 'The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Outer Space Patents', (2023), By  Ambika Aggarwal, Anindya Sircar,  ;Air and Space Law Vol No: 48, , Issue 6, pp. 559-580

14. The International Space Station (ISS) Intergovernmental Agreement as a Precedent for Regulating the First Human Settlements on Mars. In: Froehlich, A. (eds) Assessing a Mars Agreement Including Human Settlements. Studies in Space Policy, Cham. By   Farsaris, A.E. (2021).; Springer Vol No: vol 30.

15. The Pertinent Law for Space-Related Intellectual Property Issues - An Odyssey into TRIPs By  S.G. Sreejith ;54th IAC Congress Vol No:  DOI:

16. The Republic of Kazakhstan co-operation with the Russian Federation and other countries of the world in the field of outer space By Y.M. Abaideldinov Y.M. Abaideldinov M.Z. Kulikpayeva A.A. Shakhmova; Vol No:

17. Intellectual property issues in the use and distribution of remote sensing data
By  L.J. Smith C. Doldirina ; Vol No:  Link:

18. Mosteshar, Said. Research and Invention in Outer Space: Liability and Intellectual Property Rights. Nijhoff, 1995. By  Mosteshar  ;Book Vol No:

It will be great if you may help us. (Email id:

Thank you in advance

Regards | सादर

Gaurang Raval गौरांग रावल

Library & Information Officer पुस्तकालय और सूचना अधिकारी

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