Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2004 20:32:50 +0000
From: Tomas Allen
Please forgive any cross postings,
Dear partner,
The Senegalese Chapter of the Association for Health Information and
Libraries in Africa (AHILA, ) is organising a Health
CD-ROM Exhibition at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Dakar,
on April 29th this year. We invite you to provide copies of your health
CD-ROMs for this occasion.
Why are we holding a CD-ROM Exhibition?
Internet connectivity is a problem for medical teachers, students and
healthcare workers in our country, and we feel that health-related CD-ROMs
should be available in all health resource centres to help respond to
relevant health information needs. INASP-Health recently held an
international health CD-ROM exhibition in London (see, and this inspired us
to do something similar in Senegal. The exhibition will help to share
what we already have in Senegal, and to raise awareness about other
international CD-ROMs that health stakeholders can access. This day will
be an opportunity to know who has got what and where in our network, and
help us really identify the resources we have all together. All
represented resource centres will have a stand to display their resources,
a computer and LCD for demonstrations. To make the day attractive, we
intend to distribute to participants and visitors free copies of health
CD-ROMs and other products that health information producers and those
involved in health information can give us. On receiving your donations of
CD-ROMs, we will credit your organisation generously and acknowledge your
support to health in the developing world. If you would like to donate or
need more information please contact: Ibrahima Bob (organiser of the day)
AHILA President BP 5270, Dakar-Fann Dakar, Senegal Tel: 221 824 83 38 Mob
221 653 83 96 Fax : 221 824 07 41 Email: or URL:
Yours sincerely
Ibrahima Bob =====
Ibrahima Bob, Office and Information Manager Africa
Consultants International (ACI) B.P. 5270, Dakar-Fann, SENEGAL Tel.:B +221
824.83.38 Mob.: +221 653.83.96 Fax: B +221 824.07.41 // eFax : + 801
740-9578 Web: E-mail :