*Please publish this version:*
Dear All
We are organising the Library Public Lecture (Hybrid) on 21st December
2023 at 3.30pm to 4.40pm on | "Fair Dealing in Copyright Law - The
Made-in-Canada Version" by Dr.Meera Nair.
*About the Lecture: *
In 2004, in a case addressing the scope of fair dealing, the Supreme Court
of Canada uttered a never-before-heard phrase in Canada’s judicial
copyright lexicon: User Rights. Though any meaningful arc of history is
necessarily still in its infancy, as the twentieth anniversary approaches,
reflection is inescapable. More ground has been gained since that handful
of librarians made history, yet it cannot be denied that opposition has
been fierce and continues to be relentless.
Further complicating matters is Canada’s subordinate role in the
international publishing sector, a disadvantage which began with its
colonial birth and continues today. Along with required adherence to the
Berne Convention, as ordered by the British masters of 1886, it is not an
exaggeration to say that it took close to 140 years for a distinctly
Made-in-Canada approach to both fair dealing and copyright to come to
Given the somewhat parallel histories of India and Canada with respect to
statutory copyright, Canada’s past and present may be of interest to
librarians and lawyers alike, or indeed anyone in India advocating for user
rights in general, and fair dealing in particular.
*About the Speaker*
Dr. Meera Nair holds a doctorate in Communication, with a research interest
in systems of copyright. Currently appointed as the Copyright Officer for
the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (Canada), she blogs about user
rights, copyright, creativity, education, and the politics that invariably
accompany those topics, at her blog, Fair Duty:
Thursday, December 21, 2023 03:30 PM India at NLSIU
*Join Zoom Meeting:*
Meeting ID: 974 5530 1420
Passcode: 365098
*The Organisers: *
Dr. Arul George Scaria
Dr. Mahesh Yaranal - 98806074980
Mr. Madhu KS - 9886020788
On Thu, 14 Dec 2023 at 20:25, Dr. Mahesh Yaranal
Dear All
We are organising the Library Public Lecture (Hybrid) on 21st December 2023 at 3.30pm to 4.40pm on | "Fair Dealing in Copyright Law - The Made-in-Canada Version" by Dr.Meera Nair.
*About the Speaker*
In 2004, in a case addressing the scope of fair dealing, the Supreme Court of Canada uttered a never-before-heard phrase in Canada’s judicial copyright lexicon: User Rights. Though any meaningful arc of history is necessarily still in its infancy, as the twentieth anniversary approaches, reflection is inescapable. More ground has been gained since that handful of librarians made history, yet it cannot be denied that opposition has been fierce and continues to be relentless.
Further complicating matters is Canada’s subordinate role in the international publishing sector, a disadvantage which began with its colonial birth and continues today. Along with required adherence to the Berne Convention, as ordered by the British masters of 1886, it is not an exaggeration to say that it took close to 140 years for a distinctly Made-in-Canada approach to both fair dealing and copyright to come to fruition.
Given the somewhat parallel histories of India and Canada with respect to statutory copyright, Canada’s past and present may be of interest to librarians and lawyers alike, or indeed anyone in India advocating for user rights in general, and fair dealing in particular.
Thursday, December 21, 2023 03:30 PM India at NLSIU
*Join Zoom Meeting:*
Meeting ID: 974 5530 1420 Passcode: 365098
*The Organisers: *
Dr. Arul George Scaria Dr. Mahesh Yaranal - 98806074980 Mr. Madhu KS - 9886020788
-- Thanks & Regards, ----- Mahesh Yaranal, PhD Librarian(I/C) National Law School of India University P.B.No. 7201., Nagarbhavi, Bangalore - 560 072 Tel : 080-23010000 Extn 227 ; Mobile: 91-9886074980 Email : mahesh@nls.ac.in, maheshyaranal@gmail.com
-- Thanks & Regards, ----- Mahesh Yaranal, PhD Librarian(I/C) National Law School of India University P.B.No. 7201., Nagarbhavi, Bangalore - 560 072 Tel : 080-23010000 Extn 227 ; Mobile: 91-9886074980 Email : mahesh@nls.ac.in, maheshyaranal@gmail.com