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Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2012 14:03:14 +0530
From: silent listener
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2012 14:26:23 +0800 (SGT) From: Dr. A.T. Francis
Dear Library Professionals,
Let me share few points on the opinion of Mr. Gafoor as DOOMSDAY!!! nearing for our Profession.
1. What are the jobs our fully qualified (MLISc + NET + PhD+PGDCA etc.) library professionals doing in many of the University Libraries in Kerala or other states? 2. Whether we are employing these highly qualified professionals only for counter duty and issue and return of books for several years? 3. If that is happening, after a long period of issue and return only experience, what technical and managerial excellence they can gain?. 4. Whether our Library Schools (other than DRTC) are able to effectively train LIS professionals to manage the e-resources. Whether we can manage an e-resource only library confidently? 5. Whether our Library Science teachers and senior professionals are sincerely looking into our real personnel and professional problems and trying for solution?. It is a grave fact that our professionals are quarreling each other mainly because of system generating issues like appointment, promotion, qualification, etc. 6. The Govt. of Kerala run schools without effective libraries and librarians. Now we are arguing that CLISc holders are best suit to be posted as School Librarins 7. Then why not we recommend/try Nurses in place of Doctors; Diploma holders in place of Engineers, Degree holders as Asst. Professors?
So, this is high time to re-structure our system. Otherwise it will be a huge loss to the society (Not to the LIS Community)
Dr. A.T. FRANCIS, MCom, MLISc, PhD HEAD, LIBRARY & IT NODAL OFFICER College of Horticulture Kerala Agricultural University Thrissur - 680 656, India, 91-9496839409 (m) francisaloor@yahoo.com