*Last date for submitting synopsis for Library Technology Conclave (LTC-2023) extended till 21st Dec 2022 * Greetings From Ashoka University !! We invite you for the *7th Library Technology Conclave (LTC-2023*) to be held from *February 15-17, 2023 *at Ashoka University, Delhi - NCR, Sonipat in partnership with M/s. Informatics India Ltd, Bangalore*. *The theme of the conclave is “*Evolving Library Eco-system in the AI/Machine Learning Landscape”.* We look forward for your active participation in this global event by presenting a paper under *“Experiential sessions”* which is a new introduction in LTC-2023. LIS professionals may share their immersive experience in using an array of assistive technologies in the following areas. Ø AI/ML applications in libraries Ø E-Resource Management Ø Innovative Library Services and Promotions Ø Web-enabled Library System Ø E-learning and Libraries Ø Open Access (OA) and Libraries Ø Library Service Platform Ø Data deluge There are many technology products, tools, standards, and protocols that libraries have been familiar and implemented around the world including in India. Here is a representative list of such tools, listed in alphabetical order, for the reference of authors looking forward to contributing their papers on any such tools, *including but not limited *to those listed below. AS Review https://asreview.nl/ Mendeley *https://www.mendeley.com/ https://www.mendeley.com/* Blacklight https://projectblacklight.org/ Open Access Button https://openaccessbutton.org/ Citationsy https://citationsy.com/ Open Science Lens https://www.opensciencelens.eu/ Cocites https://kopernio.com/ ORCID https://orcid.org/ CORAL http://coral-erm.org/ Overdrive overdrive, inc. http://overdrive,%20inc. Core Recomender https://core.ac.uk/services/recommender Pathfinder Overview - PathFinder - LibGuides at HeinOnline http://Overview%20-%20PathFinder%20-%20LibGuides%20at%20HeinOnline Endnotes https://endnote.com/ Pub Peer https://pubpeer.com/ Inciteful https://inciteful.xyz/ Scholarcy https://www.scholarcy.com/ IRINS https://irins.org/irins/ Scholarometer https://scholarometer.indiana.edu/ Kopernio https://kopernio.com/ Shibboleth https://www.shibboleth.net/ Lazy Scholar http://www.lazyscholar.org/ Unpaywall https://unpaywall.org/ Lib Guides LibGuides - Content Management and Curation Platform for Libraries http://LibGuides%20-%20Content%20Management%20and%20Curation%20Platform%20fo... VuFind https://vufind.org/ Linked Data Data - W3C http://Data%20-%20W3C Wizdom wizdom.ai - intelligence for everyone http://wizdom.ai%20-%20intelligence%20for%20everyone Litmaps https://www.litmaps.com/ Zotero Zotero | Your personal research assistant All the presented papers will be published in a special issue of the SRELS (Sharda Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science) Journal of Information Management, a highly reputed journal started by Dr. S.R. Ranganathan, more than 50 years ago. The best two papers will also receive cash awards ! *Important Date for Submission of Papers:* Proposal/Synopsis Submission by Authors 21-Dec-22 Notification for proposal selection 28-Dec-22 Mentor interaction period 28-Dec-22 to 14-Jan 23 Final submission of the presentation slides 31-Jan-23 Final submission of the contributed paper 28-Feb-23 *Click here for submitting your proposal/synopsis:* https://www.ltc2023.org/experiential-sessions/ *Click here to Register: * https://www.ltc2023.org/registration-and-accommodation/ *For full details of this conclave visit:* https://www.ltc2023.org -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------