Department of Library & Information Science
                The University of Kashmir.

The Department is organizing three day  National Workshop on “Open Access Repositories and Greenstone software” The workshop will cover:
•     An Overview of philosophy of  open Access, Open repositories  and Greenstone with Practical exposure to downloading, installing, updating and customizing greenstone  for  digital Library.
•     Creating digital libraries through content management. in GSDLS
•     Collection building (Simple and advanced) in different file formats using GSDLS
•     Designing and creating standard metadata sets to describe digital objects and encoding it in standard markup formats.
•     Conversion from other databases and Interoperability.

No of the participants =15 on first come basis.

Venue:  The Department of Library & Information Science
        The University of Kashmir, Hazratbal Srinagar 190006.
(The department is well equipped computer lab with 30 systems connected with high speed internet access. besides other equipments. The university department has resource persons to impart both theory and practical aspects of the workshop.

Date:  17th to 19th March 2008.

Registration fee: Rs 1,000/= (Rupees One thousand only) which will cover working lunch, refreshment and workshop kit. The accommodation can be made on request in Moderate Hotels and /or Guest House.

Eligibility: working librarians/Scholars/Manuscript Managers/Information Scientists/Archive institutions  having basic Knowledge of Computers.

Applications on a  plain  paper  giving  particulars ( given below  ) along with Demand Draft  addressed to Head of the Department, Department of Library & Information Science, The University of Kashmir, can  be  mailed to Head of  Department of Library & Information Science, The University of Kashmir, Srinagar, 190006. Or can be e-mailed  at,
latest by 12th March 2008.In the latter case  DD of  registration fee can be sent through snail mail.

Particulars /Application for participation in workshop on
“Open Access Repositories and Greenstone software”
Fathers Name:-___________________________________________________
Phone:-________Residence _________  Office_______          Cell_____________________
Basic Knowledge of Computers: - Yes/No
Whether accommodation required against payment: - Yes/No
Mode of Payment: - Demand Draft/Cheque.
No:_______________________ Date ______________________
Amount:____________________  Bank ____________________
Date:___________________                                          Signature:_______________
                                                                                                       Name: __________________

Recommendations of Head of the department of parent institution




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