10 Nov
10 Nov
5:28 a.m.
Dear Sir/Madam, One of our research scholar needs following article for his research work. If anybody have the access, please send the same. https://search.proquest.com/openview/c7392025d9794690d7f99b8b6897ca7a/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=54457 Thanks and regards Dr. Bharat B. Alasandi Librarian Bharatesh Education Trusts Global Business School B.C. 188 Fort Road Belgaum - 6 Karnataka E-mail : bharatalasandi@gmail.com Phone: 9986135406/9686190253 -- Dr. Bharat B. Alasandi Librarian Bharatesh Education Trusts Global Business School B.C. 188 Fort Road Belgaum - 6 Karnataka E-mail : bharatalasandi@gmail.com Phone: 9986135406/9686190253