Dear Colleagues and Friends, Please spare two minutes of your kind valuable time and contribute to this survey on OJS in India. We would like to capture all the journals titles and urls hosted online using Open Journal Systems (OJS) of Public Knowledge Project (PKP) https://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/. Please see the link: https://forms.gle/RBPZBcoPHqJ4wxAV9 [https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/zsRHodr7wfSxOeRgU4XPAH-a0pJXgBzoN3rPITKu_7...]https://forms.gle/RBPZBcoPHqJ4wxAV9 OJS in Indiahttps://forms.gle/RBPZBcoPHqJ4wxAV9 Capturing all the journals being published in India using Open Journal Systems (OJS) software. Your email address will only be used to communicate tr final report of the survey. For anything else, you may contact me, Sridhar Gutam via email gutam2000@gmail.com forms.gle Thanks & Regards Sridhar Sridhar Gutamhttps://sgutam.wordpress.com/, PhD, ARS Senior Scientist (Plant Physiology)|Convener, Open Access Indiahttp://openaccessindia.org # 213, 2nd Floor, Main Lab Building, ICAR-AICRP on Fruitshttps://aicrp.icar.gov.in/fruits/ http://www.iihr.res.in/ ICAR-http://www.iihr.res.in/Indian Institute of Horticultural Researchhttp://www.iihr.res.in (ICAR-IIHR), Hessaraghatta Lake post, Bengaluru 560089, Karnataka, India Office Tel. No: +91-80-28466080, 23086100 Ext. 274 | Fax : +91-80-28466291 Mobile:+91-9005760036; 8002678768 Skype: sridhar.gutam | Twitter: @SridharGutamhttps://twitter.com/sridhargutam Official Email: sridhar.gutam@icar.gov.inmailto:Sridhar.Gutam@icar.gov.in Scholarshiphttp://works.bepress.com/sridhar_gutam/ | Impacthttps://impactstory.org/u/0000-0001-5376-1565 | Citationshttps://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=6W1MSSwAAAAJ&hl=en | Bloghttps://sgutam.wordpress.com/ | Pagehttp://www.iihr.res.in/sridhar-gutam AgriXivhttp://agrixiv.wordpress.com/ - Preprints for Agriculture and Allied Sciences ICAR-IIHRhttp://iihr.res.in/ is a constituent establishment of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)http://icar.org.in/ under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DAREhttp://dare.nic.in/), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfarehttp://agriculture.gov.in/, Government of Indiahttps://india.gov.in/