Dear All, Some of you may be interested in attending a seminar by Nadoja, Dr Justice N. Santosh Hegde. Seminar details follow. Best regards, Francis Francis Jayakanth JRD Tata Memorial Library, IISc. -------------------------------- Title: "Fall In Social Values and Its Consequences in the Current Environment." http://dccc.iisc.ac.in/assets/pdf/seminar/DCCC_SEMINAR_27_October_2022%20.pd.... Speaker: Nadoja, Dr Justice N. Santosh Hegde Date: 27th October 2022 (Thursday) Time: 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm Venue: Hybrid mode (DCCC Auditorium and Online using MS Teams) Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 474 279 731 500 Passcode: PCL9D4 https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MTdmMTYzNTMtZWVmZi00Y... Join conversation teams.microsoft.com Speaker Bio : Nadoja, Dr Justice N. Santosh Hegde, Obtained degrees in B.Sc. & B.L. and enrolled as an Advocate in 1966, Designated as Senior Advocate in 1984, Worked as Advocate General Karnataka from 1984-88, as Additional Solicitor General of India from 1989-90, as Solicitor General of India from 1998-99, Appointed directly as Judge Supreme Court of India from 1999-2005, Appointed as Chairperson of Telecom Disputes Settlement Appellate Tribunal from 2005-2006, Appointed as Lokayukta of Karnataka from 2006-2011. Awards: Conferred Hon. Doctorate from the University of Mangalore, Karnataka Open University, Tumkur University, Karnataka Law University, Alliance University and Nadoja from Hampi Kannada University. Man of The Year by Times of India for two years, 2010 & 2011,& Vijaya Karnataka for 2006 & 2010, NDTV Indian Of The Year 2010 Anti Corruption Crusader, Paul Harris Award by Rotary And many awards with cash prizes, all of which were donated to public causes including a Sum of Rs One Crore award by Sitaram Jindal Foundation which in its entirety was donated to The Indian Army Welfare Fund. Abstract My 5 yr tenure gave me so much experience on corruption in society which made me share the said experience, especially with the youth of this country because I think the main culprit in this is the society in which we are which respects only money and power even when the same is acquired illegally. So I endeavour to change this attitude of the society in every field of life with `existing environment All are Welcome.