Welcome to the Indian Library Congress, a platform for intense deliberations to shape ideas for the sustainable and inclusive development of libraries in India as empowering, democratic and inclusive public spaces. Indian Library Congress-2023 January 1-3-Kannur-Call for Papers The Indian Library Congress is scheduled to be held at Kannur from 1-3 January 2023. The Congress aims at a scholarly assessment of the local and global experience in the functioning of libraries. The focus is on formulating an active strategy to assess the prospects and address the present and future challenges. http://peoplesmission.in/call-for-papers/ Papers are invited in the following themes. Themes of Indian Library Congress 1. Evolution and history of libraries Changes in global concepts through the ages – Regional, national and international experiences of libraries in community building – Local self-government institutions and Co-operative movement – Functional integration of public libraries and libraries in academic institutions; Problems and prospects 2. Politics of the public library Critical appraisals of Indian experience – Evolution, growth and challenges-– Public policy and allocation of resources by the State and Union governments. 3. Library – society and culture Social justice and the experiential world of the marginalized – Libraries and women empowerment- culture and literature – Literacy, literature, community and libraries – Sports and public libraries – Libraries and child development and welfare- Librarians and their changing roles in the present 4. Contemporary Kerala – Library movement: Challenges and prospects Kerala development experience -Collective learning and skill development through libraries -The people’s library movement and resource mobilization in the background of the People’s Mission for Social Development 5. Libraries- spatial transformation Libraries and the role of science and technology – Building designs, construction, preservation and expansion of democratic spaces – Green libraries 6. Imagining the future libraries => The last date for the submission of abstracts is 15th November 2022. Completed papers with proper citations and references are to be submitted latest by 30th November 2022. => Presenters are requested to register at www.peoplesmission.in and the registration number should be mentioned in the final paper. Abstracts and papers may be emailed to ilckannur1@gmail.com. For details please contact: Dr. P. Mohandas: Convenor, Academic Committee, Mobile No.: 9447755381 Home page: http://peoplesmission.in TO REGISTER CLICK HERE: http://pmsd.in/ILC/backend/web/library-registration/new-registration -- *Vimal Kumar V., PhD* Reference Assistant Mahatma Gandhi University Library Kottayam, Kerala-686560 ------------------------------------------ My Home page:www.vimalkumar.info My Blogs:linuxhalwa.blogspot.com kohageek.blogspot.com moovandan.blogspot.com ----------------------------------------------------------- *"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn." Alvin Toffler* -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.