Dear LIS Professionals We atCSIR-CFTRI are pleased to announce the commencement of internships for LibraryScience Students at FOSTIS/Library. The main objective of this Internship is toprovide an opportunity for a student to gain practice in reality in a libraryof National importance with state of art facilities under the guidance ofexpert faculty. The details ofthe internship is appended below further information. Should you need any additional information orclarifications, please contact the Head, PMC/Coordinator, FOSTIS/Library atTel: 0821-2515850; e-mail: fostis@cftri.res.in Thanking you, T. Padmavathi Coordinator,FOSTIS/Library CSIR-CFTRI Mysuru-20 ---------- Internshipsfor Library Science Students of other Universities, Academic Institutions atFOSTIS/Library, CSIR-CFTRI, MYSURU CSIR−CentralFood Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), Mysore (A constituentlaboratory of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi) hasopened door for FIRST TIME for Library & Information Science MLIS(or equivalent) students to enroll for Internship programme that provides aunique platform for professional development. You can gain exposure to the workof a National researchlibrary coupled with one-on-one support from expert faculty. The library has a comprehensive collection of Books, Encyclopaedia,Bound volumes of Periodicals and Current journals related to Library and InformationScience. If you are a MLIS student interestedin enhancing your learning skills and equip yourself with emerging IT toolsand technologies, then here is an opportunity. APPLY NOW……! About CSIR-CFTRILibrary CFTRIlibrary was recognised as the National Information Centre for Food Science andTechnology (NICFOS) by DSIR/NISSAT, Govt. of India, way back in 1977. Thelibrary has been serving the R&D community enabling them to keep track ofthe technological advances worldwide. It has access to global informationthrough several databases, e-Journals through CSIR Consortium of Libraries andhigh band width Internet. Some of the information services that are offeredinclude Current Awareness Service, Database Search and Retrieval Servicefrom international databases. Thelibrary has also set up state of the art Institutional Repository in an effortto archive and give better visibility to research output of CFTRI. Allhousekeeping activities of the centre have been automated. We are one among fewInformation Centres to adopt IT for providing quick and qualitative servicesfor the benefit of our user community. The Library has over 27,000 books including referencematerials like Encyclopaedia, Handbooks, Yearbooks, Directories, Dictionaries,Methods and Manual, over 44,000 bound volumes of periodicals starting from1920+ and other documents include 6000+ PhD theses/M.Sc dissertations/ProjectReports & Investigations. Objectives Internship will provide an opportunity for a student togain practice in reality in a library of National importance with state of artfacilities under the guidance of expert faculty. To gainmeaningful practical experience in the area of library and information scienceto expand their academic, professional and personal learning. Nature ofInternship Internees willbe provided an opportunity to work in different sections of the Library andlearn the modern library management techniques/library automation, digitizationand web based services. They will have ample of opportunities to work and learnon emerging IT tools and technologies. Theintern experience is designed to give students a broad understanding of theorganization and functioning of research library. Eachintern will engage in semester-projects that support Library goals and matchinterns' interests. Upon successful completion of the internship, you have tosubmit your work in the form of dissertation to the Library as Hard/soft copyformat. Eligibility The intern must be enrolled inrecognized university undergoing library and information science programattached to university. Also post graduate student majoring in library sciencecan undergo internships. Applicationsand CVs along with recommendation from Head of the Department must be forwardedby Institutions in the form of nominations prior to the commencement ofinternship. Period of Internship: 5 to 6 months depending on the chosen area of work/project Fee: Rs.25,000/-(one time payment,NONREFUNDABLE) per student Mode of payment (After approval): NEFT(preferably Account Transfer). Contact: InterestedL&IS Departments/Students through proper channel are invited to contact atthe mailing address given below: Head, Planning,Monitoring & Coordination/Coordinator, FOSTIS Tel: 0821-2515850 E-mail: fostis@cftri.res.in