---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Hella Klauser
Date: Thu, Aug 10, 2023 at 7:52 PM
Subject: [IFLA-L] Orientation course for internationally trained librarians
working in Germany - in German
Dear colleagues,
if you are interested in working in a library in Germany and speak German
already, you might be interested in joining this orientation course.
Application for this online training is free of charge and possible until
August 25, 2023.
Kind regards,
*"Brückenkurs" (orientation course) for internationally trained librarians:
"Welcome to library work in Germany"*
*Did you work in libraries in your home country?*
*Did you earn your degree or qualification you there and would now like to
work in Germany?*
*We'll help you continue your career here and connect with other people in
German libraries!*
The orientation course "Welcome to library work in Germany" will show you
- how to get official recognition for your degree/qualification,
- how to find job opportunities relevant to you,
- and how to apply to work in libraries.
- You will get an overview of the German library system in different
contexts: social, academic and legal.
- You will learn about typical professional roles, current developments,
new initiatives and projects in academic and in public libraries.
- There will also be question and answer sessions with the instructors.
We can also help you to network with your peers in German libraries.
*The course 2023 will start on 05 September 2023. Participants will earn
the certificate "Berufliche Bildung" ("Professional development") from the
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.*
*The course includes six days during a two-week period (four hours a day).
It will be held online. You can participate from anywhere you like.*
The course will be taught in German. We realize that non-German speakers
may also be interested. However, the course is for supporting people who
will apply for library jobs in Germany very soon. Most of these jobs will
require German at the B2 Level
or higher. We will try to provide support in other languages during the
question and answer sessions, as needed (for example in Ukrainian and
This programm is being organized and taught by practicing library
professionals, library science professors and instructors, the School of
Library and Information Science (IBI) of the Humboldt-Universität zu
Berlin, the library association Bibliothek und Information e.V. and the
Stadtbibliothek Pankow*, Berlin.
*Are you interested? We would be happy to keep you updated - please sign up
for our newsletter:*
Mailinglist for information about the orientation course
Do you have further questions? Please contact Ulla Wimmer
*Official information portals for validation of foreign degrees and
- *College/university degrees:* Anabin Portal (only in German)
- *Qualifications from Job-Training and Apprenticeship Programs*
Hella Klauser
Internationale Kooperation
Kompetenznetzwerk für Bibliotheken / knb
Deutscher Bibliotheksverband e.V. (dbv)
Tel.: +49 (0)30 644989916