New Nomenclature for Librarians
Most of the Librarians do not want to identify themselves as Librarians. The UGC Pay Review Committee has given new nomenclature for various teaching posts (Assistant Professor for Lecturer). Similarly Librarian posts should also be redesignated as Manager/Director/Professor in Colleges and Universities recognized by University Grants Commission. The core responsibilities for librarians are administrative in nature. Their jobs often involve overall management, administration and coordination of all phases of day-to-day operations, collection development, policy formulation and programs development, etc. Most of the librarians are providing training and orientation for library users and new staff members. In general, the Librarianship sees itself is lacking in reward and respect but the nature of duties are compared with a high status profession. One of the
important measures that can be taken to improve the status of Librarians is to redesignate them as Manager/Director/Professor. The scale of pay and career advancement scheme of Librarians should be equivalent to that of teachers in Colleges and Universities.
Dr. K M Haneefa
T.K.M. College of Engineering
Kollam-691 005 Kerala, INDIA
Phone No:+91-474-2713933
Mobile No:09895622811
Fax : +91-474-2712023