Dear Professionals, Google has announced that it has decided to stop showing authors' names when their articles appear in search results. The authorship experiment started in 2011, aimed at providing more valuable and relevant results in Google searches. However, a Google+ post by John Meuller of Google Webmaster Tools says that the experiment did not have the desired effect. For Detailed news please visit http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/tech/tech-news/Google-ends-authorship-exp... The 2 Reasons for Killing It: Google is a company that likes to test, tinker and take chances, remember Google Wave and Google Buzz? They also do it in ranking websites, like giving new sites a chance at the top of page 1 to see how they do. If searchers respond well to it and gives them value, they stay there. If not, they go to where Jimmy Hoffa is buried, on page 2, where no one ever finds anything. More Details at http://organicseopress.com/google-kills-authorship-means/ Other stories: http://www.forbes.com/sites/johnrampton/2014/08/29/end-of-google-authorship/ http://www.cnet.com/news/google-stops-displaying-content-authorship-in-searc... http://dailydigestnews.com/2014/08/google-authorship-experiment-is-dead/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dr. I.R.N. Goudar - Visiting Professor Cum Library Adviser Bangalore University Library, Jnana Bharathi Campus BANGALORE - 560056, India - Ex. Visiting Professor Cum Library Adviser, UoM, Mysore - Ex. Scientist 'G' and Head, ICAST, NAL, Bangalore - Ex. Dy Librarian, IITM, Chennai - Ex. Scientist (Information), IICT, Hyderabad - Fulbright Scholar, Univ. of Michigan and Columbia Univ, USA (1995-96) - British Council Scholar (1982-83) E-mail: goudarishwar@gmail.com Tel: 080-23215510 Mob: 91+9611165781 (If not reachable pl try land line) -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.