From: Padmanabha Vyasamoorthy <>
Sent: 06 June 2024 18:11

When we talk to a doctor, teacher, judge, police officer, etc we may experience a sense of respect and awe. They are socially superior in some way requiring our submissive behavior, or we concede so at a mental level. Is this necessary or correct I do not know. Similarly, would you consider a librarian with respect? 

Both men and women are employed as Librarians in India but in Western countries most of them are women. The salaries of library staff are low. In most institutions, even the chief librarian does not enjoy the status of the Head of the department but is asked to report to somebody two or three levels lower from the top. 

When I was employed as Librarian-cum-Technical-Info-officer in IDL, the grandmother of a friend of mine asked: Oh! your job is to dust and put back books in a library? That picturisation and image of a librarian has not improved or changed much!

In my opinion, librarians and the society at large should think about increasing the vocational awe that librarians deserve.
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