Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2004 16:31:25 +0530
From: K Prakash
Library Automation, Networking and E-Resources Management
Organised by INFLIBNET Centre
28 May - 17 June 2004
Kendriya Vidyalayas were established in the year 1963-64 starting with =
20 schools and now they are 871 in number having enrolment of about 8 =
lakh students and more than 40,000 teachers. They are spread all over =
the country. Kendriya Vidyalayas were conceived and came into being as =
pacesetters. The recruitment of staff is a nation-wide affair with a =
high degree of choice for quality. A carefully conceived curriculum, a =
uniformly split-up syllabus, text-books and the teachers' guides =
prepared by the NCERT and the CBSE, updated teaching methods, =
well-planned co-curricular activities, games and sports, library service =
etc. all these and more are integral features of Kendriya Vidyalayas.
The Principal of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sanghatan, Gandhinagr has asked =
INFLIBNET Centre to conduct the training programme for KVS School =
Librarians. The training programme was named as "KVS - INFLIBNET =
In-Service Training Programme For School Librarians On Library =
Automation, Networking and E-Resources Management" with three weeks =
duration, specially designed for kendriya vidyalaya school Library =
professionals. Discussions were held with senior staff of KVS and =
INFLIBNET technical staff for designing this kind of specialized course. =
The topics were selected keeping in view of the objectives of this =
programme, i.e., creating awareness about the most modern technologies =
and nurturing IT culture in KVS Librarians. The following are the broad =
topics selected in which specialized and comprehensive lectures and =
practicals conducted;
* Personality Development & Communication.
* Basics of Computer and Hardware
* Bibliographic Standards
* Library Management Software Systems and SOUL
* Planning for LAN in Libraries
* Networking Security Issues
* Mail Server and Web Server Configurations & Applications
* Website Designing and Hosting
* Digital Libraries Creation using Green Stone
* Impact of INTERNET and Identification of Resources
* INTERNET Resources and Gateways for School Libraries
* Archiving and IPR Issues, etc.
Study tours to different Libraries, like Indian Institute of Management, =
Ahmedabad to understand the proper implementation of modern =
technologies, were also arranged for the participants. Projects and =
assignments were assigned to participants compulsory, which have to be =
completed and presented using PowerPoint prior the concluding session. =
Projects component and assignment were as follows;
* About Library and its services
* SOUL Software - Each Module
* Designing of Library Websites
* Creation of Digital Library using Green Stone Software
* Searching and Identification of Internet Resources
* Evaluating the Programme
* Future Plans
In addition to the project Pre-test and Post-tests were also conducted =
for participants to evaluate their awareness about the IT applications. =
There were 45 participants from different Regions across the country =
viz. Ahmedabad (6), Bangalore (3), Bhubaneswar (7), Chennai (5), =
Hyderabad (6), Kolkata (10), Mumbai (4) and Silchar (4) attended the =
training programme.
During the three weeks 51 lectures were scheduled. Three lectures were =
handled by the external resource persons viz. Sh. Satish Deshpande and =
Sh. D R Kulkarni from British Council Library, Ahmedabad and Dr. S S =
Shirurmath, Librarian, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. Five =
lectures were handled by KVS faculty and remaining 44 lectures were =
taken by the INFLIBNET faculty members.
During the training programme Lectures were organized in the morning =
sessions and afternoon sessions were meant for practical, so all the =
participants have spent sufficient amount of time in the Computer Lab =
and each participant got one computer to practice.
Participants have opportunity to visit Gandhinagar and Ahhmedabad. =
Participants were highly enthusiastic to learn new things and active in =
both the lectures and practical sessions, hence the whole program =
emerged out as very interactive one.
We have provided a reading material and handouts and other presentations =
by resource persons and "internet resources for school librarians" which =
are given in the CD-ROM.
The inaugural function of the training programme was held on May 28, =
2004. The training programme was inaugurated by Prof. Ilaben Naik, Dean =
of Faculty Education from Gujarat Vidyapeeth, Ahmedabad. She also gave a =
key note address, in her address she highlighted the importance of =
information technology in delivering the library services. Dr. T AV =
Murthy gave a presidential remarks and Sh. S M Salgar, Senior Scientist =
of INFLIBNET Centre briefed about the training programme course =
contetnts. Mrs. Vinita Sharma, Prinicipal, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Space =
Application Centre, Ahmedabad furnished perspectives of training =
programme on behalf of KVS.
Prior to the concluding day on June 16, 2004, all participants were =
requested to present their assignments, project work about their =
library, services, what they have learnt and future plans. The =
concluding session held on June 17, 2004. Sh. O V S Sikarvar, Principal, =
KVS Ahmedabad welcomed the august gathering. Report on the training =
programme, was presented by Sh K Prakash, Course Coordinator. Two =
participants have given a course feedback and they have very much =
satisfied with the training programme. Dr T A V Murthy, Director, =
INFLIBNET Centre distributed the certificates and gave a presidential =
address. Sh. P K Koul, Education Officer, KVS and Sh. S M Salgar, Senior =
Scientist, INFLIBNET also spoke on this occasion.
The programme was very successful and all participants were happy in =
learning new things. Dr T A V Murthy was the course Director and Mr K =
Prakash and Mr H G Hosamani were acted as the course coordinators.
K Prakash
Course Coordinator
With best wishes/ regards.
Scientific/Technical Officer-I
Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) Centre
An Inter-University Centre of University Grants Commission
Near Gujarat University Guest House
Post Box No.4116, Navrangpura,=20
AHMEDABAD - 380 009 India
# Tel.: 91 - 079 - 2630 5971 / 2630 4695 Extn: 38; Fax: 2630 0990(Off.); =
2676 3724(Res.)=20
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