----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Khoo Soo Guan, Christopher (Assoc Prof)"
To: LISEA@MLIST.NTU.EDU.SG Sent: Monday, 11 July 2011, 16:48 Subject: [LISEA] iPRES 2011 - 8th International Conference on Digital Preservation of Digital Objects November 1-4, Singapore: deadline extension iPRES 2011 - 8th International Conference on Digital Preservation of Digital Objects November 1-4, Singapore http://ipres2011.sg/
***** NEW TRACK and extended deadlines *****
Due to numerous requests we have decided to extend the deadline of iPRES2011 for FULL PAPERS until July 17 (midnight IDLW, GMT -12hrs)
We further want to encourage the substantial number of newly started initiatives that tackle emerging problems in the problem space of digital longevity and preservation to share their visions and early results. We have thus decided to include an additional short papers track into the conference program with an expedited review process. These will be published as part of the conference proceedings.
The deadline for these papers, posters and demonstrations is 12 AUGUST 2011. Please note that these are firm deadlines. For all deadlines, see dates below.
**************************************************************************** CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS
iPRES, the main international conference on digital preservation, is calling for proposals for original full and short papers, panels, workshops, tutorials, posters, and demonstrations.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Domain-specific Challenges (Cultural Heritage, Technical and Scientific Processes and Data, Engineering Models and Simulation, Medical Records, Corporate Processes and Recordkeeping, Web Archiving, Personal Archiving, e-Procurement, etc.) * Systems Life-cycle (Requirements, Modeling, Design, Development, Deployment and Maintenance) * Trusted Repositories and Governance (Risk Analysis, Planning, Audit and Certification, Business Models, Cost Estimation, etc.) * Case Studies and Best Practices (Processes, Metadata, Systems, Services, Infrastructures, etc.) * Innovation in Digital Preservation (Novel Challenges and Scenarios, Innovative Approaches) * Added-value of Digital Preservation (Emerging Exploitation Scenarios and the Long-Tail of Digital Repositories and Archives) * Training and Education * Theory of Digital Preservation
Call for Papers - iPRES 2011 invites submissions for full and short papers reporting on novel previously unpublished work. Full papers are expected to report innovative research work, while short papers are expected to present new relevant challenges and work in progress. All papers will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 members of the scientific Program Committee. The accepted papers will be published in the iPRES2011 proceedings (in digital).
Call for Posters and Demonstrations - Submissions are encouraged for a special session that for posters reporting emerging issues or work in progress, and also for demonstrations of innovative systems.
Call for Workshops - Proposals for half or full day workshops to be held after the last session of the main conference are welcomed. Each workshop is expected to be held over 3 hours per-half day with a short break during the workshop.
Call for Tutorials - Proposals for half or full day tutorials to be held on the first day of the conference are welcomed. The tutorials are intended to cover single topics at an introductory level or an in-depth level. Each tutorial is expected to be held over 3 hours per-half day with a short break during the tutorial.
Instructions for Submissions * Proposals for full (8 to 10 pages) and short (4 pages) papers, and for posters or demonstrations (2 pages) must be submitted to the electronic submission system according to the conference's template: - Submission system: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ipres2011 - Paper's template: http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates
- Proposals for workshops, tutorials or panels must be submitted by the workshop or panel chair, by email, to ipresSingapore@gmail.com - Proposals for panels must detail the subject, the intended experts' panel, and the proposed model of interaction with the audience (this is going to be a key detail in the evaluation of the proposals). - Proposals for workshops must detail the subject to be covered, the process for the call for participation, the important dates, the duration, and the proposed organization and scientific committees.
*********** IMPORTANT DATES (UPDATED!) ******************
* 17 July 2011 - Full papers due * 17 July 2011 - Workshop proposals due * 12 August 2011 - Short papers, posters and demonstrations proposals due * 12 August 2011 - Tutorial and panel proposals due * 28 August 2011 - Acceptance notification for full papers * 04 September 2011 - Acceptance notification for short papers, posters, demonstrations, tutorials and panels * 21 September 2011 - Camera-ready papers due * 30 September 2011 - Early Registration closes
(All deadlines are midnight IDLW, GMT -12hrs) **********************************************
Previous iPRES Conferences: http://rdd.sub.uni-goettingen.de/conferences/ipres/ipres-en.html
For any questions about paper submission, please do not hesitate to contact Program Co-Chair Adam Jatowt at adam@dl.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp.
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