Dear Colleagues, This is to inform you all that "International conference on Electronic Publishing" is going to be Organized by Department of Library and Information Science & Jayakar Library, University of Pune, During 13-15 March 2013. Venue - Jayakar Library, University of Pune, Pune 411007, India For more details plz visit : http://lib.unipune.ac.in/icep2013.htm -- Thanks n regards, ************************************************************** Gati Krushna Nayak { गति कृष्ण नायक } Senior Library Information Assistant Central Library, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Indore) http://www.iiti.ac.in/Library/library_team.html C/o Institute of Engg. & Technology (IET) M Block, DAVV Campus, Khandwa Road, Indore (M.P.) 452 017 Contact : Mob : 09479560578 Tel. +91 - 731 - 6563477 , 2438757 (O) Fax: +91 - 731 - 2361482 http://gatikrushnanayak.blogspot.com/ *************************************************************** Before printing, think about the environment, every 3000 A4 paper costs 1 tree. Please DO NOT print unless you really need it genuinely. -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.