-----Original Message----- From: Mr. V K J Jeevan [mailto:vkj@library.iitkgp.ernet.in] Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 7:17 PM To: india-lis@infoserv.inist.fr Subject: Junior Project Assistant The Central Library of IIT Kharagpur is looking for a suitable "Junior Project Assistant" on purely contract basis for 18 months only to work in the MHRD sponsored project, A Personalized Selective Access Information System (SAI). Emoluments: Rs. 5000 p.m. Qualifications and experience: B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology/MCA/MSc Computer Science/MLISc with PGDCA Experience: Unix/Linux System Administration and System Programming; Administering Web server on Linux, Programing skills of a high standard in C/C++, visual Programming, and experience in web tools; Oracle database administration and development skills Interested eligible persons may apply on plain paper, giving full bio-data alongwith attested copies of testimonials and a demand draft of Rs. 50/- drawn in favour of IIT Kharagpur payable at Kharagpur to Mr. A K Naskar, Administrative Officer (Projects), Sponsored Research and Industrial Consultancy, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 721 302, West Bengal, on or before 22nd September, 2003. V K J Jeevan Asst. Librarian IIT, Kharagpur