Dear All, First of all wish you all a very happy, prosperous and peaceful new year 2006!!! I am a librarian in a Medium Scale Industry. I do also have experience in another three of such industries. Most of the Employers treat "LIBRARIAN" as a "C" grade staff. That's what I have experienced. My intention is to get information : 1. How we should change their mentality? 2. What are the actions to be taken? 3. Mostly they are treating Library as unwanted department, therefore giving less important. I tried all types of strategies to make Library "a temple of Knowledge" but failed. Please let me know what should we do? 4. Why academic libraries are not considering us to give a chance to serve them? 5. What Library professionals' Movement can be done against these injustices? There are many more. Regards, Pradip Das Librarian, Vinyl Chemicals (I) Ltd., A/21, MIDC, Maharashtra - 402309 India. Tel : 02145 - 232043 to 46 Extn. : 226 E-mail : librarymahad@pidilite.co.in or, pradip_das_55@rediffmail.com Dear All, First of all wish you all a very happy, prosperous and peaceful new year 2006!!! I am a librarian in a Medium Scale Industry. I do also have experience in another three of such industries. Most of the Employers treat " LIBRARIAN" as a "C" grade staff. That's what I have experienced. My intention is to get information : 1. How we should change their mentality? 2. What are the actions to be taken? 3. Mostly they are treating Library as unwanted department, therefore giving less important. I tried all types of strategies to make Library "a temple of Knowledge" but failed. Please let me know what should we do? 4. Why academic libraries are not considering us to give a chance to serve them? 5. What Library professionals' Movement can be done against these injustices? There are many more. Regards, Pradip Das Librarian, Vinyl Chemicals (I) Ltd., A/21, MIDC, Maharashtra - 402309 India. Tel : 02145 - 232043 to 46 Extn. : 226 E-mail : mailto:librarymahad@pidilite.co.in librarymahad@pidilite.co.in or, mailto:pradip_das_55@rediffmail.com pradip_das_55@rediffmail.com