Dear Friends, The Bulletin Board for Indian Library and Information Community i.e. IndLibra, has received a good response. I was not expecting this kind of response. Now this is the point where the community spirit is required. I fully understand that single person can not take the community to the desired position. I therefore want to transfer the ownership and responsibility to a voluntary group. Let us call this group as Voluntary Group for IndLibra or VGI for short. This Voluntary Group for IndLibra would be the sole owner of IndLibra and would be looking after IndLibra Discussions (http://indlibra.myforum.net/) and would also be putting and managing content of the related website of the IndLibra (http://in.geocities.com/indlibra/). The User Id and Password would be disclosed to this group and it would symbolise the end of my indivitual responsibility and ownership. Please come forward and give your Names at the email indlibra@yahoo.co.in . I am expecting people like Prof. Shalini, Dr. Rajashekar, Dr Vyasamoorthy, Dr T.V. Prafulla Chandra and others to come forward. If it is successful, then IndLibra can purchase its own space on some web host instead of depending upon free-service providers like myforum and geocities. There please come forward in large numbers and give your Names at the email indlibra@yahoo.co.in . Regards Sukhdev Singh _________________________________________________________________ MSN Hotmail now on your Mobile phone. http://server1.msn.co.in/sp03/mobilesms/ Click here.