Dear Friends, Apologies for cross posting. A three day Advanced Workshop on Greenstone Digital Library Software (GSDL) is organised at National Centre for Science Information (NCSI), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore from December 26th to 28th, covering Multilingual capability and Interoperability concepts in GSDL, for those who are familiar with basic concepts of GSDL. The workshop is supported by Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) under Technology Information and Facilitation Programme. The details of the workshop are given below. Workshop title: DSIR-NCSI Advanced Workshop on Greenstone Digital Library Software (GSDL) Venue : NCSI, IISc, Bangalore Date : December 26th to 28th Prerequisite: Knowledge of basic features, Installation and collection building in GSDL. Topics covered: Multilingual capability and Interoperability in GSDL Workshop Fee: No registration fee is charged. Working lunch and tea will be provided during the workshop dates. However, participants have to take care of their travel, board and lodging. On request accommodation for participants during the dates 25th to 28th December 2007 will be provided at the 'Hoysala House' hostel of IISc. Maximum of 20 participants will be taken for the workshop based on the experience in using GSDL. Workshop coordinator: Ms. Anuradha.K.T., NCSI, IISc, Bangalore 560 012 Registration: Send an email to anu@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in or anu_ncsi@yahoo.co.in on or before 19th October giving the following details: 1. Name: 2. Official Address and email 3. Accommodation required: Yes/No 3. Experience in using GSDL --------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms.K.T.Anuradha National Centre for Science Information Indian Institute of Science Bangalore 560 012, Karnataka India FAX:(+91-80) 23601426/23600683 Tel:(+91-80) 23600271/22932511 ---------------------------------------------------------------------