Dear All,
Please find information on installing Dspace-Koha-Newgenlib on Windows XP

Dspace : MailScanner warning: numerical links are often malicious:


Newgenlib: MailScanner warning: numerical links are often malicious:


Koha : MailScanner warning: numerical links are often malicious:



Thanking You,






Dr.M.Krishnamurthy,M.A.,M.L.I.Sc., PhD.
Fulbright Fellow(University of Illinois,USA)
Ass Professor,
Indian Statistical Institute,
Documentation Research and Training Centre
8th Mile Mysore Road
Bangalore 560059
Ph: 91-080-28483002/3/5
Fax: 91-080-284482711



How fun is this? IMing with Windows Live Messenger just got better.
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