Dear Friends, Koha Live CD Lite http://sourceforge.net/projects/kohalivecd-lite/ is based on Ubuntu Linux 10.04 and Koha 3.8.2. File size is 600 MB. Live CD is customized for ready to use. Download Link, http://sourceforge.net/projects/kohalivecd-lite/ Highlights are: - Easy installation steps - Koha customised for ready to use - Zebra server enabled - Customised MARC fields in cataloguing - Scheduled database backup - Build on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - Detailed installation manual and Read Me file - Sample reports If you are using Koha previous version (e.g. Koha-3.6.4), try to upgrade to new version using the instructions in the following link, http://kohageek.pbworks.com/w/page/31795398/upgrade Regards, -- Vimal Kumar V. Mahatma Gandhi University Library Kottayam, Kerala- 686 560 Web: http://www.vimalkumar.org Blog: http://linuxhalwa.blogspot.com http://kohageek.blogspot.in --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I forget what I was taught. I only remember what I have learnt" -Patrick White -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.