I too support Dr. A T Francis in his opinion. Kerala University has permitted Part-Time PhD for teachers in Govt. and aided colleges in the Kerala State, for contract lecturers appointed in teaching and research centres attached to the University Depts., UIT centres and KUCTE and also to those working as Library Staff in the University of Kerala with a minimum of three years experience. It is quite a matter to think about. If UGC-NET is an essential qualification for college librarians in aided and Govt Colleges as it is required for the teaching staff, and if the college librarians are eligible to avail FIP as in the case of teaching staff in colleges, then why are they not given the chance to do part time PhD? Why only teaching staff are given that privilege? Authorities should really think over the matter and they should remember that if these aided and Govt colleges are offering Library and Information Science Courses, then these librarians definitely would have a chance for being a teaching professional. Then why this discrimination?? Chitra S. Librarian St. Joseph's College for women Alappuzha -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.