FYI *Dear Colleagues* *IBM donates analysis software to open source* Knowledge management tool released under Common Public License Tom Sanders in California, vnunet.com http://www.vnunet.com/ 25 Jan 2006 IBM has released the source code of its Unstructured Information Management Architecture http://www.research.ibm.com/UIMA/ (UIMA) technology to the open source community. The Java-based technology enables the analysis of information in unstructured documents such as documents, images, comment and note fields, email messages as well as audio and video. Rather the perform search queries based on keywords, it allows users to look for concepts and related topics. For full details pl refer http://www.vnunet.com/vnunet/news/2149122/ibm-donates-analysis-software Thanks and Regards *Bhojaraju G* Knowledge Management Practice ******************************************************************************************************************************************************** *GCI Solutions* (SEI CMM Level 4 Company), 31 Grape Garden, 17th H Main, Kormangala, 6th Block, Bangalore - 560 095. INDIA. Ph: 91 80 2552 2059 Ext. 421, Fax: 91 80 2553 8415, Cell: +91 944 836 9905 URL: www.g-c-i.com ******************************************************************************************************************************************************** Please do visit and put your comments on my Guest Book "KM Cyberary": http://www.bhojarajug.freeservers.com/cyberary.html KM-Forum: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/KM-Forum/ FYI Dear Colleagues IBM donates analysis software to open source Knowledge management tool released under Common Public License Tom Sanders in California, http://www.vnunet.com/ vnunet.com 25 Jan 2006 IBM has released the source code of its http://www.research.ibm.com/UIMA/ Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA) technology to the open source community. The Java-based technology enables the analysis of information in unstructured documents such as documents, images, comment and note fields, email messages as well as audio and video. Rather the perform search queries based on keywords, it allows users to look for concepts and related topics. For full details pl refer http://www.vnunet.com/vnunet/news/2149122/ibm-donates-analysis-software http://www.vnunet.com/vnunet/news/2149122/ibm-donates-analysis-software Thanks and Regards Bhojaraju G Knowledge Management Practice ******************************************************************************************************************************************************** GCI Solutions (SEI CMM Level 4 Company), 31 Grape Garden, 17th H Main, Kormangala, 6th Block, Bangalore - 560 095. INDIA. Ph: 91 80 2552 2059 Ext. 421, Fax: 91 80 2553 8415, Cell: +91 944 836 9905 URL: http://www.g-c-i.com www.g-c-i.com ******************************************************************************************************************************************************** Please do visit and put your comments on my Guest Book "KM Cyberary": http://www.bhojarajug.freeservers.com/cyberary.html http://www.bhojarajug.freeservers.com/cyberary.html KM-Forum: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/KM-Forum/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/KM-Forum/