National Conference on NEXT GENERATION LIBRARY SERVICES Date: 16-17 August 2013 Venue: J.B.A.S. College for Women Organized by Society for the Advancement of Library and Information Science (SALIS) & J.B.A.S. College for Women Please visit http://autolib-india.net/salis/salis_nationalprog.asp to download the conference brochure and also to know more about the conference. ABOUT THE CONFERENCE Libraries are the knowledge storehouse and dissemination centres of all academic and research institutions. The invention of printing press in 1440 and the advent of Internet in 1980’s brought out a paradigm shift in the Information Storage and Retrieval (ISR) and knowledge dissemination. The 21st century witnessed new technologies such as internet, web, digital, technologies, mobile, security technologies, search engines, social networking tools, cloud computing, which affected the libraries. Libraries are undergoing rapid and tremendous changes now due to information explosion and user demand on one side and revolutions of ICT on the other side. Libraries are attempting to embrace these technologies to understand the user needs and also to provide innovative information services to the users OBJECTIVE OF THE CONFERENCE The conference is intended to provide a forum for LIS professionals and practicing Librarians to discuss, deliberate and exchange of knowledge, ideas and best practices on the emerging trends that can be adopted to provide next generation library services. The objective of the conference is to : • Understand the google generation users requirements • Discuss the future trends and future of the library • Know the future IT trends and its impact on Libraries • Know how the new and emerging technologies can be harnessed to provide next generation library services SUBMISSION OF PAPERS Research papers are invited on the following themes and sub-themes of the conference. Next Generation Library Services Design & development of innovative Library services for Academic/Special/R & D/Corporate/Public libraries- Information requirements of next generation users- User study-scientometrics/webometrics- Citation/database studies- Evaluation of library services Next Generation Library Services using Social Networking Tools Web 2.0/Library 2.0 , RSS , Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Wikis, Mashups, LinkedIn, Metadata and Social Tagging , Federated Search and Discovery Tools, Semantic Web Content Management E-Publishing,, CM software and tools, OpenCourseWare, Open Source Journal Publishing – E-learning- Models and standards Digital Initiatives Digital Library- Building Digital Archives/IR- OAI and OA journals- Digital Rights Management (DRM) - Next generation standards and protocols for DL- Interoperability and metadata -Digital Preservation and strategies Emerging Technology for Future Library Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems - Future Library Automation- ISR and Search Engine- Cloud Computing- M-Library- Security and Surveillance Technologies- Solutions and Innovations Collection Development for Future library Policy, Criteria and methodology for selection of resources for the future library-Printed -E-resources- Purchase and access to books, journals, reference sources and databases-Ownership, Licensing-Access mechanism- Consortium-Resource sharing and partnership- E-resources management- Physical space and Funds availability IPR- Copyright IPR- Copyright & Open Licensing – Patents- IPR and impact of Library- Scholarly Publishing and copyright issues- Emerging trends IPR in the IT world Library and Society Policy for Future Library and Library services –-Government's information policy – Knowledge Commission-L ibrary Legislation - LIS Education and Research-Information Literacy Programmes-Universal Access to Information-Freedom to Access- Best practices AUTHOR GUIDELINES Papers should be submitted strictly based on the guidelines given below and send to jbaslibrary@gmail.com as an email attachment along with REGISTRATION FEE. Papers will be accepted for publication only after reviewed by the editorial committee. Format: MS-Word – docx Page layout: Page size: A4, Column: Single, Line Space: 1.5 lines Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12 Title: Title should be specific to the topic and in title case. Font: Times New Roman, Size: 14, Bold. Author: Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12, Bold. Author Affiliation: Should be given immediately below the author and above the abstract. Font: Times New Roman, Size: 10. Abstract: Maximum 500 words – highlighting the significance of the research, scope, methodology, and conclusion of the paper. Keyword: Up to 5 words. Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12, Italics. Keywords should be separated by a semicolon and space. Length of paper: Maximum 5 pages Paragraph: Paragraph heading should be in caps and must be numbered consecutively in Arab numerals. Eg: 1, 2, 3, 3.1, 3.1.2, 3.2, 3.3, 4, 4.1, 4.1.2, 4.2, 5 Table and Figures: Must be numbered consecutively in Roman numerals Eg: Table (Table I, Table II, Table III) and Figure (Fig. I, Fig. II, Fig. III) Photos/Charts/Graphs/Line Drawings: Should be given in jpeg format (only if necessary) in appropriate places with at least 300 dpi resolution and 10 cm wide Sample Entry DMAIC Concept to Reaching Out to Users to Satisfy through E-Services in Libraries: a Study M. Jannath Najeemunnnisa Beegum1, Imtiaz Basha2, K.Kannan3 and S.K. Ashok Kumar4 1. Librarian, JBAS College for Women, Chennai, E-mail: jannathjeelani@yahoo.com 2. Ph.D scholar, DLIS, M.S.University, Tirunelveli, kushimtaz@gmail.com 3. Ph.D scholar, DLIS, M.S.University, Tirunelveli, drlkkannan@gmail.com 4. Deputy Librarian, the Tamil Nadu, Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai. E-mai: asoksk@yahoo.com References (How to cite) Citations must be numbered continuously in Arab numerals and should be based on APA reference style. Examples Book Calfee, R. C., & Valencia, R. R. (1991). APA guide to preparing manuscripts for journal publication. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Article in a journal Harlow, H. F. (1983). Fundamentals for preparing psychology journal articles. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55(30), 893-896 Article from an Online Periodical Bernstein, M. (2002). 10 tips on writing the living Web. A list apart: For people who make websites, 149. Retrieved from http://www.alistapart.com/articles/writeliving Article from an Online Periodical with DOI Assigned Brownlie, D. (2007). Toward effective poster presentations: An annotated bibliography. European Journal of Marketing, 41, 1245-1283. doi:10.1108/03090560710821161 Kenneth, I. A. (2000). A Buddhist response to the nature of human rights. Journal of Buddhist Ethics, 8. Retrieved from http://www.cac.psu.edu/jbe/twocont.html The author should ensure that the article is complete, grammatically correct and without spelling or typographical errors. All permissions that may be required to reproduce illustrations or previously published materials or to cite unpublished data or personal communications should accompany the manuscript in writing. Major changes are rarely permitted after an article has been accepted. Authors are advised not to submit the downloaded papers. The Publisher/Editorial Board reserves the right of addition, deletion, alteration and rejection of the articles without any prior intimation to the author(s). A declaration by the author(s) should be given separately stating that the paper has not been presented / published elsewhere. (download author declaration form) Papers accepted for presentation will be intimated to the first author by e-mail. The decision of the editorial committee regarding the acceptance of the paper for presentation will be final. Co-authors need to pay the registration fee separately. Incase of the same author publishing more than one paper, she or he has to pay the registration fee according to the number of papers. Please note that the papers will not be accepted without registration fee. Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings with ISBN. Best papers of the conference may be published in SALIS Journals. AWARDS AND MEMENTOES Cash Awards will be given to the best papers for professionals and students. Mementoes will be given to all the presenters. REGISTRATION FEE (for two days) 1. LIS Professionals and others * : Rs.1000/- [*Fee includes bag, proceedings, pen and pad, lunch, snacks and tea] 2. Students / Research Scholars (Regular)** : Rs.500/- [**Fee includes proceedings, pen and pad, lunch, snacks and tea) 3. Participants (without presentation) *** : Rs.500/- [*** Fee includes folder, pen and pad, lunch, snacks and tea). Registration Fees should be paid by means of Demand Draft in favour of 'JUSTICE BASHEER AHMED SAYEED COLLEGE FOR WOMEN' payable at Chennai. FELLOWSHIP ( to attend the Conference) SALIS provides fellowship ( for registration fee only) for deserving candidates (students, trainees and economically backward professionals low salary) to attend the conference. Interested candidates may apply to the President, SALIS (salis_info) by giving their personal details (name, age, sex, status (student/trainees/designation), name of the institution, salary, qualification, marks, SALIS membership details, contribution to SALIS, etc) DATES TO REMEMBER Last date for submission of papers : 15th July, 2013 Last Date of Registration : 12th August, 2013 TARGET PARTICIPANTS LIS Professionals, Teaching Staff, Students, Research Scholars, Practicing Librarians and IT professionals. ACCOMMODATION Participants may contact the Organizing Secretary for booking Hostel type accommodation (on sharing basis with attached bathroom) against payment ( Rs.260/- for one person for two days) in advance. Participants also make their own arrangement for accommodation. Large number of hotels (room rent varies from Rs.500 - 5000) are available in and around the venue (T.Nagar, Alwarpet, Teynampet, Egmore Railway Station, Triplicane, Near Central Rly Station, etc). Please visit www.hotelsinchennai.org for bookings. ABOUT CHENNAI Chennai, the capital city of Tamilnadu and the Gateway to South, is the fourth largest city in the country. There are many important tourist places and cultural centers near Chennai such as Kanchipuram, Tirupathi, Pondicherry, Mahabalipuram, etc. to visit. Large number of mosques, temples, churches, shopping malls, cultural Centres, etc. are available in Chennai. Important Places to visit around the conference venue: Guindy National Park, Express Avenue, Phoenix MargetCity, Anna Centenary Library, Connemera Public Library, Museum, Marina Beach, Eliot Beach, Kovalam Beach, V.G.P. Golden Beach, M.G.M. Beach, Vandalur Zoological Park, etc. For further details please contact: Mrs M.Jananth Najeemunnisa Beegum,M.C.A., M.L.I.S., M.Phil., (Ph.D.) Organizing Secretary and Librarian J.B.A.S. College for Women (Autonomous) No. 56 K.B. Dasan Road, Teynampet, Chennai - 600 018. Tamilnadu ( India). Tel: Library: 91-44-42110745 College: 044- 2436 4152 Cell: +91-9840596275 Fax No. 044 - 2436 4533 E-mail:jannathjeelani@yahoo.com, jbaslibrary@gmail.com Delegates are requested to visit the conference web site regularly to know the progress and announcements of the conference @ www.jbascollege.edu.in & www.autolib-india.net/salis Committee Members Chief Patron Mr. Moosa Raza, I.A.S. (Retd.), Chairman Co-Patrons Mr. Syed Munir Hoda, Secretary, S.I.E. Trust Mr. Faizur Rahman Sayeed, L.L.B. (Bar-at-Law), Correspondent Chair Person of the Organising Committee Dr. (Mrs.) Nausheen Dawood, M.Sc. M.Phil., Ph.D., Principal Organizing Secretary M. JANNATH NAJEEMUNNISA BEEGUM, M.C.A., M.L.I.S., M.Phil., (Ph.D.) NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Dr. S.Surianarayanan, President, SALIS Dr. J.Dominic, Karunya University, Coimbatore Dr. M.Tamizhchelvan, Gandhigram Rural University Mr. S. Swaminathan, General Secretary, SALIS Mr. M.Mandhirasalam, CIT, Coimbatore Dr. T. Magudeeswaran C.N. College, Erode Dr. V.R. Rajan, Pondicherry University Mr. S. Manikantan, Anna Centenary Library Dr. S. Muralidhar, CVDE, DRDO, Chennai Dr. Jesudas Manalan, Bishop Heber College, Trichy Dr. A.Thirunavukkarasu, Algappa Universiy, Karaikudi Dr. Sanjay Kataria, Banasthali University, Jaipur Prof. A. Amudhavalli, DLIS, University of Madras Dr. M. Nagarajan, Annamalai University Dr. G. Krishnamoorthy, Anna University, Chennai Dr. S.Srinivasa Raghavan, DLIS, Bharathidasan University Dr. K. Chinnasamy, DLIS, M.K.Universiy, Madurai Dr. K. Elavazhagan, IIM, Trichy Dr. A. Thirumagal, M.S. University, Tirunelveli Dr.S.Thanuskodi, DLIS, Alagappa Universiy, Karaikudi Dr .R.Sarangapani, Librarian, Bharathiar University Dr. G.Geetha, Bishop Heber College, Trichy Dr. R.Sevugan, DLIS, Pondicherry University Dr. Lata Suresh, IICA, New Delhi Dr. Mangala Hirwade, DLIS, RTM Nagpur University Dr. Anup Kumar Das, JNU, New Delhi Dr. A. Lawrence Mary, TDMNS College, Tirunelveli Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, NPOL, Cochin Dr.T.R.Sridevi, MSRSAS, Bangalore Dr. S.K. Asok Kumar, Dr. Ambedkar Law Univ. Chennai Dr. G. Rathinasabapathy, TANUVAS, Chennai Dr. Shri Ram, J.P. Uni. of Inf.Tech. Waknaghat, H.P. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Dr .P.Panneerselvam, B.S.Abdur Rahman University Dr. V. Sakthi Regha, MSSW, Chennai Mr. Joseph Anburaj, DMI College of Engg, Chennai Mr. P.Meenakshisundaram, Connemara Public Library Dr. S.Kamatchi, Anna Centenary Library, Chennai Dr. K.S. Sivakumaren, MIT, Chennai Mr. A. Janakiraman, MSSRF, Chennai Mr. R.Arikrishnan, Anna Centenrary Library, Chennai Mr. G.G. Shivakumar, Alpha Engg College,Chennai Dr. A. Ganesan, KLNIT, Madurai Dr. R. Balasubramaian, Bharathidhasan University Mr. Stephen Thangaraj, Vellalar College for Women, Erode Dr. R. Senthilkumar, Kongunadu College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore Mr. G. Saravanan, French Institute of Pondicherry Mr. T. Raja, KCG College of Technology, Chennai Ms. K.Sangeetha, Highway Res Station, Chennai Mr. S.Gunaskar, Loyolo-ICAM College of Engg & Tech. Mr. Karunairaghavan, National Engg College, Kovilpatti Dr. A.M. Venkatachalam, CCET, Karur Mr. B. Jeyaprakash, Bharathidhasan University Mr. V. Rajendran, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore Dr. M.Surulinathi, DLIS, Bharathidhasan University Mr. A.Fazlur Rahman, SKCET, Coimbatore Dr. A.Chitradhvaputhalvi, MCET, Pollachi Ms. Sophia, Meston College of Education, Chennai Dr. S.Balamurugan,Sakthi Mari. Engg College, Chennai Mrs. C.Hema, Madura College, Madurai Mr. K.T. Dilli, Loyola College, Chennai Ms. K. Indumathy, Anna Adarsh College, Chennai Ms. A. Asma, Quaid-e-Millath College for Men, Chennai Mr. S. Gopalakrishnan, VCET, Madurai Mr. P.Dhanavanthan, Gandigram Rural University Mr. G.Sethuraman, SSN College of Engg, Chennai Mr. K. Natarajan, MSAJCE, Chennai Mr. R.Kiruban, APEC, Melmaruvathur Mr. J.Arumugam,TCS, Chennai Mr. M.N.Venkatesh, Anna Centenary Library, Chennai Mr. Radhakrishnan,TANUVAS, Chennai Ms. K.S. Kalyani, Anna Centenary Library, Chennai Ms. M. Kavitha , Anna Centenary Library, Chennai Dr. Mrs. Shareefa Thalha, Vice Principal, JBASCW Mrs. Jabeen, Vice Principal, JBASCW Dr. O. Nazeema Banu, Dept. of Tamil , JBASCW Dr. Kaneez Fathima, Dept. of Zoology, JBASCW Dr. Amudha, Dept. of Commerce. JBASCW Mrs. Minimole, Dept. of T.T.M., JBASCW Mrs. S. Nasreen Begum, Library, JBASCW Mrs. Jasmine Shahina, Dept. of Microbio.JBASCW Mrs. Nikhath Parveen, Dept. of Commerce, JBASCW Mrs. A. Mehar Banu, Dept. of English, JBASCW Dr. Shahnaz Ahmed, Dept. of Physics, JBASCW Dr. I.S. Parveen Sultana, Dept. of Tamil,, JBASCW -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.