Dear all,
Interested Candidates are invited to attend walk-in-interview on *31.07.2013
at 9.00am,* for the posts of one* Senior Research Fellow - Library Science (
*Master’s degree in Library Science/ Information Science/ documentation Fir
st division or 60% marks or equivalent grade points average from a recog
nized University) and one *Senior Research Fellow – Computer Science (*Mast
er’s degree in Computer Science or Computer Application with First Division
or 60% marks or equivalent grade points average from a recognized universi
ty) *Rs.16000+HRA *on contractual basis under *NAIP sub-project
“Strengthening of Digital Library and Information Management under NARS
(e-Granth)” *at* Central Library, Kerala Agricultural University,
Vellanikkara,Thrissur, Kerala-680656.*
For more details and application procedure, Please visit
Send application in the prescribed proforma to librarian@kau.in