*Distinguished Professional Colleagues* Greetings from Bharathidasan University We are happy to inform that the Department of Library and Information Science, Bharathidasan University along with UGC-HRDC is organizing UGC Refresher Course in Library and Information Science during *20.05.2016 to 09.06.2016*. The theme of the refresher course is “Library Management, Education and Research: Past, Present, and Future”. The Scope of the program includes: v Classical Schools of Library and Information Systems and their relevance v Information Processing and retrieval systems v Scholarly Information and Scholarly communication v Librametrics; Bibliometrics; Scientometrics; Informetrics; Webometrics; Altmetrics etc. v University and College library Services v NAAC& NBA parameters v Library Collection Management in Hybrid Environment v LIS Research-need of the Hour v LIS Education; National & International Trends v Digital Libraries and Web Technologies v Training on DSpace, Koha, NewGenLib, Library Website Designing v Reference Management Systems; Research Information Systems *Features:* Ø The program includes blend of lectures, Presentations, Demonstrations, Tutorials and Hands on Training. Ø Air Conditioned, Smart Classroom facilities with sophisticated systems with internet access in WI-FI enabled environment. Ø Hygienic Accommodation will be provided. Eligible LIS faculty members and professionals from Higher Education Institutions are welcome to Apply. The application details can be downloaded from the below Website Address: http://www.ugchrdcbdu.org/docs/new_application.pdf *For Further Clarification if any Please Contact:* *Dr. S. Srinivasa Ragavan,* Professor & Head, Department of Library & Information Science, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli- 620 024. *Email:* bdulib@gmail.com *Mobile:* 094869-16358 -- With regards Dr. T. M. Surulinathi M.com, MLIS, M.Phil., Ph.D, PGDCA, HDNCC, CGT Assistant Professor Department of Library and Information Science Bharathidasan University Trichy - 620 024 Mobile No: 9943653068 http://surulinathi.webnode.com -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.