Here is a message from Prof. Stevan Harnad about the
growing demand from US universities for adopting open
access institutional archiving. Stevan recommends
Immediate Deposit/ Optional Access. Which means
authors deposit all their published papers IMMEDIATELY
on publication (even if he/she has surrendered the
copyright to the journal). If there are no copyright
problems the deposited paper could be made available
for universal viewing, downloading, etc. immediately.
If the journal has an embargo policy, the paper could
be released fr universal viewing at the end of the
embargo period.
Universities and research institutions in the
developing countries will do well to follow this
Best wishes.
[Subbiah Arunachalam]
--- Stevan Harnad
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2006 00:37:58 +0100 From: Stevan Harnad
Subject: 115 US university presidents and provosts endorse FRPAA self-archiving mandate proposal
More US university presidents and provosts are signing to support the proposed FRPAA self-archiving mandate. Let us hope that they will not now sit waiting for the Act to pass, but will sign a self-archiving mandate for their own university (the Immediate-Deposit/Optional-Access [IDOA] mandate is the optimal one, *infinitely* preferable to Optional Delayed Deposit mandates)
and then register it in ROARMAP for other universities to emulate:
(UK vice-chancellors and pro-vice-chancellors should hasten to adopt IDOA too, now that half the RCUK research councils and the Wellcome Trust have already mandated self-archiving! The European Commission is next...)
[From Peter Suber's Open Access News]
115 presidents and provosts endorse FRPAA The SPARC list
of presidents and provosts who have publicly endorsed FRPAA
now includes the 53 liberal arts college presidents who signed the September 5 Oberlin Group letter. http://www.oberlingroup.org/about/frpaa.pdf The total is now a very impressive 115.
Posted by Peter Suber in OA News at 9/07/2006 03:33:00 PM.
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