Hi Subscriber,
The views expressed by you are really true.about academic Librarians and corporate Librarians.I feel this divide is moreever spread among it professionals and Librarians. The job opprunities have been created for these professionals having literarry knowledge of Library functions and thus this divide is increasing like dissolving post for Librarians even we achieved the skills of It and new developments in computer applications. We expect some solutions from Such forums.
sardesai kshipra
-----Original Message-----
From: lis-forum-request@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2005 12:32 PM
To: lis-forum@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in
Subject: LIS-Forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 16
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Today's Topics:
1. XML and MS-Office (Jai Haravu)
2. Re: Sad and Unfortunate demise of Dr T B Rajashekar
(Puttaraj Choukimath)
3. {Blocked Content} Digital divide not librarians divide (mohanck1)
4. Re: Sad demise of Dr T B Rajasekhar (Rupak Chakravarty)
5. Sad demise of Dr.T.B. Rajashekhar (prakash gouda)
6. TBR: a tribute (harinarayana@lisc.uni-mysore.ac.in)
7. OpenISIS is Dead:: GNI is the next generation (Saiful Amin)
8. (no subject) (Sanjay Singh)
Message: 1
Date: 6 Jun 2005 12:05:13 -0000
From: "Jai Haravu"
Subject: [LIS-Forum] XML and MS-Office
To: lis-forum@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in
Cc: siddartha@newgenlib.com
Message-ID: <20050606120513.29265.qmail@mail.rediffmailpro.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Dear List emmbers
Mr. Farooque Shaheen has informed us of an important development that MS-Office will now have XML as its underlying format. I think Microsoft has at long last realized that using a proprietary format is no longer sustainable in a fast changing and globalized world. Incidentally, Microsoft is not doing anything new. Sun Microsystems' OpenOffice already uses XML as its format and so is tnerefore considered to be future proof.
In this connection, I would like to let members know that in our library automation software, NewGenLib, we already have integrated OpenOffice as the software for all form letters and reports that are possible to be produced from within its functional modules.
Best regards.
On Thu, 02 Jun 2005 lis-forum-request@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in wrote :
Send LIS-Forum mailing list submissions to
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'help' to
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more specific
than "Re: Contents of LIS-Forum digest..."
Today's Topics:
1. XML will be the default file format for next MS
(Mailing List Manager)
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 11:45:08 +0530 (IST)
From: Mailing List Manager
Subject: [LIS-Forum] XML will be the default file
format for next MS
To: lis-forum@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 09:43:56 +0530
From: Farooque Shaheen
Microsoft Corp. announced that the next version of its
Office software
will use Internet-friendly XML technology as the
default file format for
documents created in Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
The new format will make it easier for other programs
to read Office
documents, an improvement the software titan says is
aimed at boosting
workers' productivity.
XML, short for eXtensible Markup Language, is designed
for sharing diverse
data across different systems with a uniform
appearance. Previously,
Office saved files in a format that doesn't always
translate well when
opened in other programs.
The current version, Office 2003, already supports XML
but some users have
complained that it is clunky and documents don't always
translate well
from that format either.
A full dig on this matter can be found here.
Thanks & Regards,
Farooque Shaheen,
Caritor India Pvt Ltd.
Tel. 080-26678388 # 4105
LIS-Forum mailing list
End of LIS-Forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 2
Message: 2
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2005 05:05:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: Puttaraj Choukimath
Subject: Re: [LIS-Forum] Sad and Unfortunate demise of Dr T B
To: Navin Soni ,
Message-ID: <20050606120506.47030.qmail@web32212.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
It is unbelievable, painful and shocking bad news for
us. God must had not been in his seat.
We have lost a great icon of our LIS community and
ofcourse a good mentor and a kind human being.
Our deep condolance to his Family and we pray may his
soul rest in peace.
Still, He will be with us for ever.
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Message: 3
Date: Mon, 06 Jun 2005 18:19:22 +0530
From: "mohanck1"
Subject: [LIS-Forum] {Blocked Content} Digital divide not librarians
Message-ID: <200506061243.SAA24231@WS0005.indiatimes.com>
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Dear Sir/Madam,
Information and Communicatin technologies(ICTs) have affected the library and information science and the profession emmensly.Today we have to implement and practice the habit of uising new technologies in capturing , storage and organising informatiom.Yes the benefit of ICT in capturing and dessimination customer.These are all disscused over the years and we have been trying to adopt/adapt to the present web scenario.And most of the Educational and research Instititution have automated their libraries and they have their own digital library to satisify their internal and external clientele. But at the same time the penetration of IT into the library proffession has slowly creating a gap within LISC profession.Today we have all witnessed that plenty of discussion, seminars, conferences are taking place all over the world to modify and train the library profession ,eventhough the gap seems to be widen over the years. The employment structure of library profession is very diffe!
rent one comapre to other profession.Libraries are the house of knowledge ,to capture, organise and to dessiminate information skilled library professionals are very much required there is no doubt it. Educational institutions , corporate firms and other organisations have providing enormous opportunities for Library and Information graduates.But the thing is, if once we get into the job as a school librarian or college librarian it is very difficult to keep up abreast with new developments ,the lack of infrastructure, willingness of librarians, lack of mangement support and all plays a crucial role to keep abreast with new developmets, today high proportion rate of schools and colleges have not provide any facility to librarians to learn and perform his work using new technologies.And most of the seminars and conferences are all centered to corporate and well known institutions not for school are college librarians. this is slowly creating a huge problem that is Librarians di!
vide.Today we have to address this issue and carry the LIS profession to more hiegts with providing equal opportunity to everyone.
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