Sub: Invitation for National Conference on “Advances in Knowledge Management”
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are glad to bring to your notice that the Dept. of CSE and Library
Science Centre at Lingaya’s University is organizing a National
Conference on "Advances in Knowledge Management" during 8-9 March 2010
at our University.
This National Conference is being organized to give a brief yet
comprehensive exposure to teachers, researchers, industrialists and
students. Moreover, this National Conference is supposed to build up
sufficient background on the recent achievements in Advances in
Knowledge Mining and Knowledge Management, so that research studies
can be carried out by the participants independently. The resource
persons are from eminent organizations like IIT Kanpur, IIT Delhi,
Jamia Millia Islamia Delhi, etc.
I take the privilege of requesting you to
depute as many staff members
and students from your Organization to participate in the National
Conference and give wide publicity in your Organization by circulating
the enclosed brochure. We expect your cooperation in this activity
which will definitely help participants to enhance independent
thinking in research avenues in these areas.
It may be noted that the last date for submission of draft paper is 10
January 2010 and last date for registration is 20 February 2010. An
early confirmation of your organization's participation will be highly
appreciated. Your active support by way of nomination will go a long
way in making this event a grand success. Please feel free to contact
us for further details. The details are also available on the LIMAT's
and Lingaya’s University website at,
Prof. T. V. Prasad, Head (CSE)
MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be cselimat2009@gmail.comCo-Convener
Dr. R. N. Malviya
Librarian, Library Science Centre
MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be ncakm2010@gmail.comCoordinators
Mr. Manoj Kumar Jain (+91-9810770567)
Ms. Gauri Sharma
MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be ncakm2010@gmail.comImportant Dates
Submission DeadLine 10 January 2010
Notification to Authors
Until 31 January 2010
Final Camera-Ready
submission Until 15 February 2010
Late registration 20 February 2010
Conference LU 8-9 March 2010
Yours Sincerely,
(Dr. T.V.Prasad)
(Dr. R. N. Malviya)
Co – Convener