Dear Members
It is a great pleasure to share with all of you that NCSI-Net team successfully organized 6th TBR Memorial seminar on Web 2.0 technologies for library services on Saturday 13th November 2010 at NCSI Seminar hall, IISc, Bangalore. The response to the seminar by the students and the budding LIS professionals was over whelming. We had 50+ registrations of which most of them were students and young professionals from various universities and organizations in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh.
Seminar started off with a brief introduction about Dr. T.B. Rajshekar Memorial Seminar Series by Dr. Francis Jayakanth. He also highlighted late Dr. TBR’s passion towards teaching and educating young professionals about the latest developments in the field of ICT and their applications in LIS profession.
The first technical session by Francis was on An Overview on Web 2.0. The talk was very interactive. The speaker highlighted the evolution of the Web and the various tools, technologies and the services of Web 2.0 with suitable examples. He also touched upon how the Web 2.0 applications can be made use of in the present day library and information services
After coffee/tea break Mr. Rajendra Babu delivered second lecture of the day on Wikis: Concept, Implementation and Examples from the LIS Perspective. Speaker narrated historical development of Wiki, its features, type etc. with suitable examples.
Mr. Ananda Byrappa delivered an interesting talk on New carrier opportunities for LIS professionals. The speaker mentioned that lack of trained manpower in the domains like Content Management, Knowledge management, Information Retrieval, IP industry etc,. He called upon young LIS professionals to make their careers in these areas and grab the opportunities available such domains. The talk was well received by the audience and
Ms. Suvarsha Minj delivered the lecture on Mashups for Libraries. It was an interesting lecture wherein the speaker covered an overview, workflow, architecture, API’s, Data sources of Mashups. She also demonstrated how to configure web-based and client/server based data Mashups for Libraries with suitable example websites.
After the lunch break. Mr. Madhuresh delivered the talk on Blogs and RSS -2 tools for Librarian 2.0. Speaker stressed upon the role and challenges of Librarian 2.0 and asked the participants to make use of Web 2.0 tools to satisfy their users’ information requirements more effectively. He demonstrated how to configure weblogs with examples and configuring RSS feeds.
The last technical session of the day was an interesting lecture-cum-demonstration by Mr. Prasanna, on Building Library website using web 2.0 technologies. It was an interactive session and the speaker showed library website with various web 2.0 services like, Video & Audio objects, RSS alerts, Discussion forum, Live Chat etc.
Ms. Ramya proposed the vote of thanks.
NCSI-Net is thankful to all seminar participants. Judging by the seminar feedback of the participants, the seminar was a great success. We also thank all the HODs and the teaching faculty of various universities and heads of reputed organizations for having deputed their students and staff for the seminar. We are thankful to Director IISc and Chairman of NCSI, IISc, and Staff of NCSI for their support in organizing the seminar. Our special thanks to all speakers of the day and all the NCSI-Net members for their excellent support.
Four of the six presentation files used during the seminar are available at
Your comments and suggestions are most welcome and they may be sent to Shivaram Gowda, shivarams_gowda@yahoo.com / Obaiah B