*9th International CALIBER 2013* *Information and Library Network Centre, Ahmedabad* *21-23 March, 2013* It is our immense pleasure to inform you that the Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET), Ahmedabad is organising CALIBER 2013 a three day International Convention during 21-23 March 2013 *About CALIBER * Convention on Automation of Libraries in Education and Research Institutions (CALIBER) is an annual convention, organised by INFLIBNET Centre in collaboration with different Universities. CALIBER 2013 is 18thCALIBER in the series and 9 th International CALIBER which will be held in INFLIBNET Centre, INFOCITY, Gandhinagar, Gujarat during 21-23 March 2013. *CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS* CALIBER 2013 offers a unique opportunity to the library and information professionals, teachers, IT professionals, consultants and users involved in automation and networking of libraries as well as information providers to come together and interact on the subjects of mutual interest. It is a focused event that addresses latest trends on an important theme and sub themes. CALIBER brings together practitioners and academicians in the field of library and information science and computer science from across the world. Leading experts, IT gurus, and vendors from around the globe participate in the event. CALIBER has proved to be a forum for renowned and trend-setting speakers to stimulate strategic discussions among librarians, information specialists, publishers from all over the country and beyond. The theme of the 9th International CALIBER is "*Library Vision 2020: Moving Towards the Future* *Sub Themes* The conference will discuss all aspects of library and information services and technologies in the electronic environment, open access and e-learning and other futuristic technologies. The main theme will be divided into three sub-themes as detailed below, but not necessarily limited to: *Subtheme 1 : Migration towards future*. · Decision technology, mobile technologies and service science. · Collection and assets management. *· *Data discovery tools, technics for linking of richer-deeper data for semantic web. ** · Next generation service delivery models. · Integrated physical and digital spaces: "e-everything". · Changeover to newer metadata standards, metadata crosswalks: technologies and case studies. · Content modelling for semantic and social web. · Evolving professional roles * * *Subtheme 2: Collaborative Library Services * · New paradigms in networks and collaborations in libraries. · Collaborative acquisition and access management. · Collaboration systems and technologies. · Cloud based library services. · ILL and document delivery systems in digital environment. · Collaborative learning systems. · Impact of collaborative services : case studies. *Subtheme 3: Open Access and Open Content * · Collection Library to Creation Library. · New generation of open source software: Impact on Library Services. · Open learning resources and learning content management System. · Multimedia enriched e-learning systems. · Standards and IPR issues. · Societal and cultural issues. · National and international projects on e-Learning and scholarly content generation. · New Trends and developments. · SCORM & Tin Can API : Implementation Case studies *Who should participate?* Library and Information Science Professionals Professionals from IT and Knowledge sectors Policy makers and Knowledge seekers Educationists and Academicians Researchers, Students and distance learners E-publishers/ Vendors Content Managers /Technology Managers/ Knowledge Managers Government Officials/Planners /Media experts. *Call for Papers* Programme Committee solicits high quality research and technical papers, case studies, technology updates, etc. related to the theme and sub-themes of the conference. The paper submitted should have been neither published anywhere not kept under consideration for publication. All papers will go through a process of review and accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Correspondence will be made with the principal author. The Programme Committee will have the right to edit the papers. The papers should be submitted in electronic version as mentioned below: · Soft copy as e-mail attachment to:caliber2013@inflibnet.ac.inSoft copy submit through online *Important Dates* Receipt of full paper: 31st January 2013 Intimation to Authors: 10th February 2013 The Event: March 21-23, 2013 *Guidelines for paper submission * *Electronic Submission * We strongly encourage you to send the final, revised version of your article electronically, Online http://www.inflibnet.ac.in/caliber2011/ocs/ or by email caliber2013@inflibnet.ac.in. Author(s) are requested to use following format: *Format of Manuscript * 1. All papers should be typed on Microsoft Word-version. 2. Paper size should be A4, Portrait of size 8.5" x 11" with Margins: 1” (top & bottom); 1.5” (left & right) 3. All text should be typed in Arial or Times New Roman Font with size 12 and single-spaced. 4. Headings and subheadings must be in Bold font, left justified and numbered according to Level of heading as below: 1. First Level Heading 1.1 Second Level Heading 1.1.1 Third Level Heading 5. Header & Footer of font size 8. 6. Use double space after the headings, before starting the next paragraph. 7. Page Break can be given to give a logical end to a page. 8. The main title of your paper must not exceed 50 characters. This includes letters, spaces and punctuation. 9. Title should be followed by name, affiliation and address of the Author(s) 10. An abstract of length not more than 250 words should be supplied. 11. Few keywords must be given after the abstract. 12. Size of the paper to be kept within 5000 words. 13. All papers must be accompanied by one passport size color photograph together with a brief CV. 14. Illustrations such as photographs, charts, graphs, drawings, and diagrams should be labelled, so that they correspond with their mention in the text (e.g. Table-1, Figure-2, Diagram-3). Regards, -- Dinesh Ranjan Pradhan Scientific Technical Officer (LS) INFLIBNET Centre (An IUC of UGC) -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.