* CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT* *Dr. Zakir Husain Library, Jamia Millia Islamia, **New Delhi* *&* *Asian Library Association, New Delhi* *Invite you to Participate & Contribute a Paper to* *2ndInternational Conference of Asian Libraries* *ICAL-2017* Expanding Digital Footprints: Role of Libraries & Information Centres * (Thursday-Saturday, October, 26-28, 2017)* *Venue*: *Auditorium, Faculty of Engineering*, *Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025, India* *About the Conference:* The overall purpose of conference is to examine as to whether libraries can reposition themselves as nerve centres of E-Governance & Digitisation programmes towards building capacities of common masses so as to partner with public policy programme for building an inclusive and equal society. Conference proposes to explore libraries as a broad foundation for interaction with information and information management in a digital world in furtherance of the global digital vision of building an inclusive and transparent society. Libraries can play a key role in achieving the Digital India like objectives, both by providing intellectual and social spaces and as access points. Further, libraries can sensitise the user community about the appropriate use of information through training, research and capacity building programmes. The focus of conference would be to leverage libraries towards building a just, inclusive and equal society through e-governance .*About Dr. Zakir Husain Library, Jamia Millia Islamia* http://jmi.ac.in/ Jamia MilliaIslamia was established in 1920. Jamia MilliaIslamia is one of the few educational institutions which came into being in response to the nationalist call of freedom struggle to boycott educational institutions supported or run by the British colonial rule. Its mentors, teachers and students played a vital role during the Indian struggle for independence. It became a Central University by an act of Parliament in 1988. In Urdu, Jamia means ‘University’, and Millia means ‘National’. Jamia has nine faculties namely, Education, Humanities & Languages, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Engineering & Technology, Law, Architecture & Ekistics and Dentistry. Besides, it has 30 centres of learning and research. Jamia MilliaIslamia has been ranked at the 12th position among universities in the country and stands 6th among Central universities as per the MHRD’s National Institutional ranking Framework (NIRF) India Rankings Report-2017. The Library has a collection of 5.40 lakh books, besides 4500 rare/reserved books and 2230 manuscripts collection in original and digital format. The Library is fully automated and the collection is searchable through online catalog. Dr. Zakir Husain Library provides on and off campus access to over 16,000 fulltext e-journals through 40 databases; 7 bibliographic databases and a number of other e-resources. The Digital Resource Centre is equipped with 100 workstations and provides a peaceful and serene environment for the students, research scholars and faculty members to access e-resources. *About Asian Library Association* http://www.asiala.co.in/ Headquartered at New Delhi, the Asian Library Association (ASIALA) is an international library association, formed to play an important role in the promotion of librarianship as a profession vital to an informed and knowledgeable society and puts emphasis on the professional development of LIS community through advocacy, peer networking, and leadership development through idea generation and many other initiatives. It works in the strategic areas of the profession to further the library interests, library institutions and library and information services and help library fraternity to engage in actions which develop group consciousness and respond to the public interest in ways which achieve socially and professionally desirable goals. For complete details of conference and registration form, please download the conference brochure from here: *CONFERENCE BROCHURE http://jmi.ac.in/upload/EventDetail/ical2017_brochure_2017october26_28.pdf* -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.