Well, I was able search the library catalogue this morning and got
some results too. Definitely, I'm not a valid member of the library.
The search catalogue opens in a pop-up window (which is not a very
good idea in the current of web design principles). Your browser might
be blocking pop-ups.
On Fri, 1 Oct 2004 11:46:04 +0530, Jai Haravu
While congratulating the Gokhale Inst. for putting their library catalogue on the web, I must also express my disappointment that it looks like only the Institute's authorized users can search the OPAC. I think the Institute has such a rich collection of material that it should allow other scholars to at least search its collection and know if a particular publication is available or not. The whole purpose of putting a library's catalogue on the web is defeated if this is not done.
cid:65519CDA-52A4-4314-A994-7F572CE46607 L J Haravu Trustee, Kesavan Institute of Information and Knowledge Management [http://www.kiikm.org/] 69 Krishnapuri Colony West Marredpally Sedcunderabad 500 026 Tel: 91-40-27803947
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