Congratulations. Sir. Great achievement. You plan similar workshops which
provides hands on skills and experience.
Keep it up.
Yesan Sellan
Chief Librarian
On 1 Feb 2018 7:59 p.m., "Dp Tripathi"
Dear All,
7th Virtual Workshop ended successfully with active participation of 140 participants. The detailed discussion on open source content management system i.e. WordPress in the form of Video is listed below which can be viewed at the following links:
*1. **Welcome Address*
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIJct43og_A&list= PLekqhBcsqZXJLFufYu1Ed32NKa0Ji0FCs&index=1&t=1s
*2. **Introduction about WordPress*
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHge0mJArtI&list= PLekqhBcsqZXJLFufYu1Ed32NKa0Ji0FCs&index=2
*3. **Installation of XAMPP and WordPress*
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htCcHyIR2lY&list= PLekqhBcsqZXJLFufYu1Ed32NKa0Ji0FCs&index=3
*4. **Installation of Theme in WordPress*
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0Kain3wwx4&index=4&list= PLekqhBcsqZXJLFufYu1Ed32NKa0Ji0FCs
*5. **Create Menu, Sub-menu and Pages and Child-pages in WordPress*
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MkQ4YgozMg&index=5&list= PLekqhBcsqZXJLFufYu1Ed32NKa0Ji0FCs
*6. **Create Posts, Category and Tags in WordPress*
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nqR4oWbW7I&list= PLekqhBcsqZXJLFufYu1Ed32NKa0Ji0FCs&index=6
*7. **Install Plugin in WordPress*
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXfNs_8jv3s&list= PLekqhBcsqZXJLFufYu1Ed32NKa0Ji0FCs&index=7
*8. **Add Header and Social Icon to WordPress*
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86HzePj8sNQ&index=8&list= PLekqhBcsqZXJLFufYu1Ed32NKa0Ji0FCs
*9. **Add Contents to the Pages in WordPress*
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JadQ9xPFQ1U&list= PLekqhBcsqZXJLFufYu1Ed32NKa0Ji0FCs&index=9
*10. **Back Up and Restore of WordPress Website and Thank You message*
If anyone wants to install the Koha with ISO Image, then the steps are given in the pdf file which can be viewed at www.dptripathi.in/download/ installiso.pdf
You may browse some other videos at Librarian Guide on YouTube.
Your suggestions and comments are most welcome.
Librarian Guide ****************
-- ********************************* *Dhanwantari Prakash Tripathi* MA (ECO), MLISc, HDISM, ECDL ********************************* Assistant Librarian, Periodicals Biju Patnaik Central Library National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Odisha –769008 INDIA *********************************
*YouTube - Librarian Guide https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqq2XkD5KKp5W7VrMJOsGhw* ********************************* *M - +91-8895296796* *U - www.dptripathi.in http://www.dptripathi.in * *********************************