Dear friends, The UGC has finally released the Final Regulation 2010 on 28th June 2010 (No.F.3-1/2009).See in the following link: UGC REGULATIONS ON MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS FOR APPOINTMENT OF TEACHERS AND OTHER ACADEMIC STAFF IN UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES AND MEASURES FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF STANDARDS IN HIGHER EDUCATION 2010 Again the UGC has shown step-motherly discrimatory attitude towards the librarians of the nation. There are many ambiguities by which I am sure librarians will sure be discriminated as earlier. Few of these--- 1.Though in the begining of the regulation it was clearly mentioned that these regulations are meant for teachers/librarians/physical instructors but unfortunately in the important places, I could not understand, whether it is intentionally not mentioned college librarians or it is implied for them too.These lacunas will be properly exploited by the appropriate authority and it is like the following----- 8.2. STUDY LEAVE: (i) Study leave may be granted for the entry level appointees as Assistant Professor/Assistant Librarian/Assistant Director of Physical Education and Sports/College DPE&S after a minimum of three years of continuous service, to pursue a special line of study or research directly related to his/her work in the university or to make a special study of the various aspects of university organization and methods of education. Look,college librarians are not there who may get leave for the purpose said and it may be exploited by the authorities. No body can claim that - Teachers=Librarians=Physical Instructor (Equation 1) but, Teachers/Librarians/Physical Instructor (Equation 2) This equation 2 signifies many things and I think even the UGC does not want to make equation 1 sincerely. 8(f) Age of Superannuation: (i) In order to meet the situation arising out of shortage of teachers in universities and other teaching institutions and the consequent vacant positions therein, the age of superannuation for teachers in Central Educational Institutions has already been enhanced to sixty five years, vide the Department of Higher Education letter No.F.No.119/2006-U.II dated 23.3.2007, for those involved in class room teaching in order to attract eligible persons to the teaching career and to retain teachers in service for a longer period. Consequent on upward revision of the age of superannuation of teachers, the Central Government has already authorized the Central Universities, vide Department of Higher Education D.O. letter No.F.1-24/2006-Desk(U) dated 30.3.2007 to enhance the age of superannuation of Vice- Chancellors of Central Universities from sixty five to seventy years, subject to amendments in the respective statutes, with the approval of the competent authority ( Visitor in the case of Central Universities). (ii) Subject to availability of vacant positions and fitness, teachers shall also be reemployed on contract appointment beyond the age of sixty five years up to the age of seventy years. Reemployment beyond the age of superannuation shall, however, be done selectively, for a limited period of three years in the first instance and then for another further period of two years purely on the basis of merit, experience, area of specialization and peer group review and only against available vacant positions without affecting selection or promotion prospects of eligible teachers. (ii) Whereas the enhancement of the age of superannuation for teachers engaged in class room teaching is intended to attract eligible persons to a career in teaching and to meet the shortage of teachers by retaining teachers in service for a longer period, and whereas there is no shortage in the categories of Librarians and Directors of Physical Education, the increase in the age of superannuation from the present sixty two years shall not be available to the categories of Librarians and Directors of Physical Education. 2.Look in the age of superannuation we have again discriminated. 3.It has not redesignated us but the teachers 4.We are nan-vacational (???) but the UGC want from us same academic and research output in the promotion in the regulation.We do not have any academic freedom like teachers and we are working non-vacationally without getting any preparatory day/library day.That is why it is gross injustice to us. 5.Regulation has shown the duty hours for the teachers but not spent not a single words on our duty hours and it is giving immense chances to exploit us by the authorities mercilessly. 6.It has not mentioned not a single word about the Documentation Officers in the Universities. I hope everyone of us will see the regualation and point out the the disparities and we should bring it to the notice to the UGC and the MHRD immediately. with best wishes Dr.Sabuj Kumar Chaudhuri ---------------------------------------------- Dr.Sabuj Kumar Chaudhuri [M.Sc in Marine Sc.(First Class First, Univ.of Calcutta, AIS (NISCAIR,CSIR, New Delhi),MLIS, UGC(JRF)NET, PhD (Jadavpur Univ.), W.B.C.S.(Ex.)] Librarian (W.B.C.S.C.) Basanti Devi College (Govt. Sponsored)[http://www.basantidebicollege.org] (An affiliated college under the University of Calcutta) 147B, Rash Behari Avenue Kolkata-700 029,West Bengal India Phone:(033)24197449 ; Mob-9434457215 email:sabooj_c@yahoo.co.in ;sabuj_c@yahoo.co.uk Website:www.geocities.com/sabuj_c/sabuj.html Blog:http://sabooj.blogspot.com ---------------------------------------------- -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.